
Needs and care of older people living at home in Iceland

The Icelandic old-age care system is universal and the official goal is to support older people live independently for as long as possible. The aim of this study is to describe the living conditions and needs of older people in Iceland and how these needs are met. The new survey ICEOLD is used to examine formal and informal care and the relationship between these spheres.

Aging in Place: A State Survey of Livability Policies and Practices

This US research builds upon earlier work to offer state legislators and officials concrete examples of state laws, policies and programs that foster aging in place.

Social participation of community living older persons: importance, determinants and opportunities

The purpose of the paper is to identify factors that hinder or support the social participation of older persons living in the community. The importance of older people’s engagement in physical, social and productive activities was studied. Opportunities for older people to socialize in the housing environment were explored. These tasks were carried out through literature review.

Historical and Global Perspectives on Social Policy and “Aging in Community”

This article provides an understanding of the changing fields of aging, family, community, and social policy. Going beyond a current trend of “aging in place”, it reviews community care that once dominated social policy dialog in the United Kingdom, as well as community service that was once regarded as a main solution to the social issues of reformist China.

Aging in Place in Israel

Aging in place means that people continue to live in their own homes in their community and in their natural environment, for as long as they are able and interested in doing so. There are two aims, which underlie the approach supporting and encouraging aging in place.

A good place to grow older – the Hungarian case

The ageing of the society is a well-documented phenomenon in Hungary. In 1990 the population 65+ constituted 13.2% of the society. By 2009 the rate has grown to 16.4%. By 2050 population projection predicts 29.4% for Hungary. There is an urgent need in the adaptation of the current social care policies to follow the demographic and social changes.

Impacts of the Aging Canadian Population on Housing and Communities

This presentation seeks to Identify the changes in the pattern of housing needs and preferences for requirements for Canada's rapidly ageing population. It will review the main environmental adaptations or modifications to maximize people’s ability to participate in society.

Surveying Older Adults’ Opinions on Housing: Recommendations for Policy

There is paucity of research investigating opinions and attitudes of seniors 55 years of age and older in relation to housing accommodation and services sensitive to the needs of the senior population. We describe the results of a cross-sectional survey soliciting opinions and attitudes of seniors in British Columbia with respect to a variety of housing issues, including home ownership and home

Housing Transitions: Older People’s changing housing needs

The purpose of this paper is to focus on the findings that relate to older people remaining in, or moving from, their home in later life.

The Impact of Population Ageing on Housing in Scotland

The impact of population ageing both at Scotland and the UK level will be considerable for Scotland’s housing system. A system that currently supports an over 65 population of 856,000 people will have to cope with 1.408 million by 2033.
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