
A Global Pilot Study of Age-Friendly City Indicators

This study evaluated the process by which core indicators of Age-Friendly Cities were measured in diverse contexts worldwide. The indicators were developed through research and international expert consultation, and piloted in 15 communities from 12 countries in 2014–2015.

Promoting Healthy Aging in Supportive Housing: A Review of the MRT Senior Supportive Housing Pilot

In 2014, New York State released several grants for pilot projects to test innovative supportive housing models of care. One project, the Senior Supportive Housing Services Pilot Program, provided funding for unit modifications and supportive services to seniors experiencing homelessness, living in an institutional setting, or precariously housed.

ODESSA - Optimising Care Delivery Models to Support Ageing in Place

ODESSA is a three-year project with the aim of finding new and innovative ways of adapting a person’s home so that they can live independently for longer and avoid going into residential care, as well as making it easier for them to access public services such as health and social services.

Seniors’ quality of life on a shaky foundation

Maine’s population is now solidly the oldest in the nation, with the highest median age of 44.7 years. Maine is also the most rural state, with more than 60 percent of its residents living outside a metropolitan area. This article looks at the failure of government authorities to address the major health, transport & housing issues faced by its older population cohort.

Housing Choices for Older People in Ireland - Time for Action

The goal of this report is to drive discussion and offer solutions which provide choice in housing for older people in Ireland.

Evaluation of the Homeshare pilots

Part of a series of three reports, this executive summary covers the third and final report from the evaluation of the UK Homeshare pilots programme.

The Intersection Between Sustainability and Age-Friendly Development

This chapter explores the intersection between sustainable development and the age-friendly project in Portland by detailing a case study of factors that affected the planning and development of sustainable, affordable housing for older adults in Portland.

Experiences of aging in place in the United States: protocol for a systematic review and meta-ethnography of qualitative studies

By 2035, older adults will outnumber children for the first time in the United States. In light of its aging population, the US has supported services focused on enabling older adults to continue living in their current homes, a model commonly described as “aging in place.” The lived experience of aging in place is not well documented in existing systematic reviews.

Ageing in place: challenges and opportunities at the interface between property management and older residents

An important concept within the current social and health policy discussion on healthy ageing is ‘ageing in place’. ‘Ageing in place – challenges and opportunities at the interface between property management and older residents’ seeks to facilitate ageing in place.

How to provide suitable and affordable housing for ageing people

With a global rise in the number of people aged 65-plus, it will be increasingly important to have appropriate housing that allows them to remain in their familiar communities and 'age in place' for as long as possible. However, as experience shows in New Zealand and other parts of the world,housing for many people in this age group is far from appropriate. In our research, we explore
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