
Rural Cooperative Housing for Older Adults: An Emerging Challenge for Extension Educators

As the American population continues to age, identifying alternative housing options for older Americans, particularly those who wish to remain in rural communities, will pose a challenge to families and community leaders. This article presents findings of a survey of residents of seven rural housing cooperatives oriented toward serving older residents.

Our Common House: Using the Built Environment to Develop Supportive Communities

An examination of cohousing requires understanding its model. Of particular interest is finding out whether and to what extent the physical patterns of cohousing communities contribute to advance residents toward more sustainable and socially healthier living.

Living Arrangements, Changes in Living Arrangements, and Survival Among Community Dwelling Older Adults

Both the number and proportion of older community-dwelling adults who live alone have increased dramatically in the US since 1960. In general, the ability to remain independent and live alone is associated with a high quality of life among older adults.

Housing and Older People: time for fresh thinking and new ideas

In 2001 the UK Government set out its vision in ‘Quality And Choice For Older People’s Housing: A Strategic Framework’. This stated that ‘ ... housing... can be the springboard that enables older people to remain involved and live their lives to the full.’ This paper examines the problems and provides action plans.

Communities and Old Age: Opportunities and Challenges for People over 50

Being part of an intentional community in old age is a way to challenge the isolation and social exclusion that many older people experience in our youth-oriented western societies. This article discusses a variety of intentional community models from a female perspective.
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