
The Cohousing Approach to 'Lifetime Neighbourhoods'

This UK fact sheet considers how local authorities can work with public and private sector partners to develop a cohousing approach towards the outcomes sought from the government’s national strategy on housing for an ageing society.

A Home We Can All Enjoy - Cohousing for the Elderly

With the UK government’s recent pledge to transform social care funding by introducing individual budgets, some elderly groups are looking at ways to revolutionise their care and accommodation requirements. One such experiment that has largely been ignored by the politicians and local authorities is cohousing.

Housing in Denmark

The Danish housing stock has improved considerably over the past fifty years or so and, on average, Danes have good dwellings with ample space. This book looks at the evolution of various housing types and their residents in the period from the end of World War 2 to the present time, broken down by ownership type and physical design.

Intergenerational Coresidence of Older Adults in Japan: Conditions for Cultural Plasticity

This study investigated individual-level conditions and prefecture-level contextual factors that enable and/or restrict intergenerational coresidence arrangements between older parents and adult children. Whereas the traditional pattern of coresidence was primarily a value-driven arrangement, nontraditional coresidence was both a value-driven and a need-driven arrangement for older parents with l

CoHousing for Stages of an Aging Britain

The use of diverse types of common interest/intentional communities has burgeoned over the past quarter century. This paper will examine aspects of the particular legal environment for a nascent but growing CoHousing movement within the UK.

Elder Cohousing—An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

In the US, a quiet grassroots impulse to reject the common options for housing for older people—retirement homes, nursing homes, and so on, has been growing over the last decades. People are drawn to the idea of an old-fashioned, egalitarian neighborhood where neighbors help one another through the minor challenges of everyday life, and support one another through the major ones.

The New Housemates

Data from the U.S. Census Bureau indicate that about 500,000 women, or a little more than 1% of women 50 and older, currently live with a nonromantic housemate. Experts predict that this will be the norm instead of the exception.

Co-housing for older people: Housing innovation in the Netherlands and Denmark

Provides a history of co-housing in The Netherlands and Denmark and its particular relevance to older people as a housing option.

Changes in the living arrangements of elderly people in Greece: 1974-1999

During the period 1974-1999 the percentage of elderly living with their children in Greece reduced from 55 per cent to about 32 per cent. In this paper we examine determinants of the decrease in intergenerational co-residence among Greek elderly people and their adult children and its implications for economic well-being.

The application of age-integrated cohousing for older people

This qualitative study explored the application of age-integrated cohousing to improving the lives of older people. Developed in Denmark in the 1960s and 70s, cohousing fosters social contact, trust and the sharing of resources. The study tour of eleven weeks involved observations and interviews at over three dozen cohousing communities in Denmark, the United States and Canada.
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