
Designing Homes for an Ageing Population

Improved health and longevity in Ireland will lead to significant advances in how long people choose to work into old age, and presents huge opportunities for new thinking about positive attitudes towards ageing. As discussed in this report, this will place demands on Ireland’s social welfare and pensions system, and – without reform of housing policy the need for nursing homes and acute hospital

Older People in a Long-term Regeneration Neighbourhood. An Exploratory Panel Study of Ageing in Place in Hoogvliet, Rotterdam

A precondition for ‘ageing in place’ is that older people perceive their neighbourhoods as familiar and safe places. In the Netherlands, manyneighbourhoods with an ageing population have been subject to urban restructuring policies.

Toward Understanding Person–Place Transactions in Neighborhoods: A Qualitative-Participatory Geospatial Approach

Emerging research regarding aging in context reveals much about how neighborhoods relate to aging adults’ health, participation, and inclusion. Quantitative studies have identified neighborhood characteristics that relate to wellbeing and inclusion and qualitative studies have explored phenomena such as exclusion in neighborhoods.

What would an age-friendly city look like?

As the world’s population grows older and more urban, cities must decide how to adapt. Ageing populations need to be part of the debate about urban development. New approaches are needed which link the advantages of living in cities with the needs and aspirations of older people themselves.

The Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities Looking back over the last decade, looking forward to the next

This report gives a global overview of the progress that cities and communities have made over the last decade towards becoming more age-friendly, through the lens of the WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities. Among the notable achievements, membership in the WHO Global Network has increased four-fold in the last two and a half years and more affiliate organizations are suppo

LA seniors find housing solution with home share program

Some seniors struggling to make the rent in Los Angeles have turned to living with strangers, connecting through an agency called Affordable Living for the Aging, which provides housing for low-income seniors. It’s one of a growing number of groups that play matchmaker for older people who could use roommates.

Spatial Agency: Creating New Opportunities for Sharing and Collaboration in Older People’s Cohousing

Older people’s cohousing enables individuals to share spaces, resources, activities, and knowledge to expand their capability to act in society. Despite the diverse social, economic, and ethical aims that inform the creation of every cohousing community, there is often a disconnect between the social discourse developed by cohousing groups and the architectural spaces they create.

Take a walk around the Social Bite village for homeless people

This is the Social Bite Village, in Granton, Edinburgh, the result of a sustained fundraising and awareness drive with the lofty aim of bringing an end to homelessness at the heart of its ethos. The emphasis is on the establishment of a community, with project leaders Social Bite partnering with homeless charity Cyrenians.

Introduction to special issue: aging in place

The concept of aging in place has been discussed as a phenomenon, goal, or process. Initially the focus was on “place” as dwelling and evolved to “relationships” in a community. Thus, aging in community or age-friendly community reflect an updated focus for researchers, policymakers, and service providers.

Ageing Well: A Housing Manifesto

Most people want to age well at home, remaining part of their community and involved with family and friends.
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