Concept of 'Home'

Older homeless women's identity negotiation: agency, resistance and the construct of a valued self

Abstract There is a growing awareness that the adult homeless population is ageing, mirroring the general US population trend. Although men still outnumber women among the adult homeless population, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of women, including older women, seeking shelter each night.

The Meaning of Home for Aging Women Living Alone in North Eastern Ontario

The experience and meaning of home for older, community dwelling women, was investigated. In the world of gerontology there is a paucity of knowledge about those in their eighth and ninth decade, and this becomes more pronounced among older women.

Relationships between perceived aspects of home and symptoms in a cohort aged 67- 70.

The importance of the home environment increases with age. Perceived aspects of home influence life satisfaction, perceived health and independence in daily activities and well-being among very old people. However, research on health and perceived aspects of home among senior citizens in earlier phases of the aging process is lacking.

Home Is Where the Heart Is, but Where Is 'Home'

Because our physical surroundings play such an important role in creating a sense of meaning and organization in our lives, it is not surprising that our sense of the place we live is closely tied to our sense of who we are. “Home” is the place where you feel in control and properly oriented in space and time; it is a predictable and secure place.

Placing in Age: Transitioning to a New Home in Later Life

Moving home in later life is an experience born of necessity for many older people.

Exploring the Meaning of Home for Six Baby Boomers

Current policy and practice in the UK is that people should, wherever possible, age at home, but there is no research into what home means to baby boomers. Therefore, this researcher asks two questions. Firstly, how can the meaning of home for baby boomers be explored? Secondly, what influence does the life course have on the meaning of home for six baby boomers?

Narratives of home and place: Findings from the Housing and Independent Living Study

As populations age, increased focus is given to the importance of enabling older people to age in place. The study reported in this paper explored the extent to which older people considered their homes and neighbourhoods to be ‘supportive’, and sought to increase understanding of the needs and experiences of older people and their expectations of future housing needs.

Senior Cohousing: An Optimal Alternative for Aging in Place

The rising numbers of individuals emerging into older adulthood in the US may lead to overcrowding of current facilities in the near future. Many existing facilities are not preferable environments for numerous older adults deciding where they will live out the duration of their life.

Social Spaces Rural Places: Ageing-in-Place in Rural South Australia

This thesis argues that place, space and availability of social support are important variables for how older people successfully age-in-place. It explores place attachment, community connectedness and the social networks of people aged 70+ living independently in small rural communities in the Murray Mallee region of South Australia.

Understanding the Essence of Home: Older People’s Experience of Home in Australia

This qualitative inquiry explores the experiences of community-living older people in Australia living in their home environment. Participants in this study stated that they were interested in the capacity of the house to support their many and varied occupations, particularly their ability to care for others.
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