Future housing solutions

Revolutionary day care for Alzheimer’s sufferers: Dementia villages

Glenner Town Square, a faux mini-town with a 1950s and 1960s look designed for people with dementia, is set to open in San Diego next spring. It is a reimagined, new kind of day care: a faux mini-town with a 1950s and 1960s look designed for people with dementia. The concept is based on reminiscence therapy.

Tiny houses: Interest is growing but who wants them and why?

My research to date has found a marked increase in people who want their own tiny house, particularly among older women. Based on earlier research, I argued tiny houses could be part of a solution to the perennial and wicked problem of unaffordable housing, as well as improving urban density and the environmental sustainability of housing. Demographically, interest in tiny houses is biased towar

Creating Age-Friendly Communities Through the Experiences of Villages: Summary of Longitudinal Member Outcomes

This report summarizes the results of a longitudinal survey that assessed changes over time in self reported outcomes of Village members.

Housing for Seniors: Challenges and Solutions

In the US, the older population is projected to grow rapidly, and although many seniors wish to remain in their homes for as long as possible, challenges related to affordability, accessibility, and poor linkages to health services may make doing so difficult. Expanding the supply of aging-friendly housing options, rental assistance, home repairs and modifications, accessible residential design a

Staying Power: Aging in Community and the Village Model

In the US, older adults are remaining in their homes in increasing numbers and are part of a paradigm shift that is transferring healthcare services from a centralized institutional model to a decentralized home-based model. However, a majority of homes older adults reside in lack basic accessibility features and are in predominantly suburban locations that have limited transportation options.

Single Ageing Women & Housing Security: A Pilot Study of Women Living in the Cities of Unley and Salisbury

Ageing is a policy challenge for all levels of government within Australia, as it is for societies the world over. In many respects, Australia is in an enviable position with respect to ageing strategies, possessing comparatively strong health, welfare and superannuation systems, a relatively strong economy and a high standard of living.

New housing alternatives a hallmark of the ‘new ageing’ Australia

Australian figures reveal that currently less than 6 per cent of people over 65 are taking up the retirement/ seniors living village option and a straw poll at every occasion I have asked, indicates that no one wants to move into a nursing home.

Building Affordable Elderly Housing: How New Zealand’s planning system influences market outcomes

This paper explores the changing demographics of New Zealand’s elderly, the influence of the current planning system, and how planning has hindered the market’s ability to provide affordable elderly housing in areas of highest demand.

Ending Homelessness in New Zealand:Final Report of the Cross-Party Inquiry on Homelessness

The hundreds of submissions and pieces of evidence presented to the Cross-Party Inquiry into Homelessness show that the level of homelessness in New Zealand is larger than any other time in recent memory and is continuing to grow.

Foresight Future of an Ageing Population - International Case Studies Case Study 12: Intergenerational living in Spain

This case study looks at an innovative purpose-built intergenerational housing and community scheme in Alicante that combines housing for older people with accommodation for people under 35 with low incomes who have some community engagement experience.
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