
Housing for Seniors: Challenges and Solutions

In the US, the older population is projected to grow rapidly, and although many seniors wish to remain in their homes for as long as possible, challenges related to affordability, accessibility, and poor linkages to health services may make doing so difficult. Expanding the supply of aging-friendly housing options, rental assistance, home repairs and modifications, accessible residential design a

Room to improve. The role of home adaptations in improving later life

This UK report summarises the findings of a systematic review of the best recent scientific evidence on how home adaptations can contribute to improving later lives. The last comprehensive review of the evidence on home adaptations was published in 2007.

The Impact on Health of Homelessness

The relationship between homelessness, health and wellbeing in later life is not documented to the same extent as for younger populations. Studies indicate that existing health conditions are exacerbated by homelessness, and that older people experiencing homelessness are more likely to suffer from depression or dementia.

Diversity in older age - older homelessness

The characteristics of older homelessness can change rapidly over time and may differ significantly from place to place. This review will focus on older homelessness in England.

Is Housing a Health Insult?

Abstract: In seeking to understand the relationship between housing and health, research attention is often focussed on separate components of people’s whole housing ‘bundles’.

What constitutes a good place to age? A qualitative exploration of the concept of home in varied aging contexts

This research explores Chinese older adults’ perceptions of home in varied aging contexts and assesses the process of obtaining a feeling of home after relocation in an old age. Two sets of qualitative data were drawn for the study: one collected in Atlanta, Georgia to understand Chinese older immigrants’ home-making experiences in the U.S.

Older homeless women's identity negotiation: agency, resistance and the construct of a valued self

Abstract There is a growing awareness that the adult homeless population is ageing, mirroring the general US population trend. Although men still outnumber women among the adult homeless population, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of women, including older women, seeking shelter each night.

The Impact of Homelessness on Health

Homelessness is bad for all our health, and wealth. Homelessness is a measure of our collective success, or otherwise, in reducing inequalities. Evidence tells us that the health of people experiencing homelessness is significantly worse than that of the general population.

Exploring the Housing Needs of Older People in Standard and Sheltered Housing

It is clearly important that the most appropriate models of housing provision for older people are investigated, and this is particularly important for older people living in social housing who may be at more risk of adverse life outcomes. However, there is a paucity of research investigating the opinions and attitudes of older people themselves.
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