Housing First

Pathways to Homelessness Among Older Homeless Adults: Results from the HOPE HOME Study

Little is known about pathways to homelessness among older adults. We identified life course experiences associated with earlier versus later onset of homelessness in older homeless adults and examined current health and functional status by age at first homelessness. We interviewed 350 homeless adults, aged 50 and older, recruited via population-based sampling.

Lessons from Finland: helping homeless people starts with giving them homes

The housing first model is quite simple: when people are homeless, you give them housing first – a stable home, rather than progressing them through several levels of temporary and transitional accommodation.

Housing First and Social Integration: A Realistic Aim?

One of the basic prerequisites for social inclusion is having adequate housing from which to live one’s life in the community. However, having a house, or home, alone does not in itself guarantee social inclusion. This paper reviews the available research evidence on the extent to which Housing First services are effective in promoting social integration.

Homelessness Research and Policy Development: Examples from the Nordic Countries

The interaction between research and policy development has played an important role in the transformation of homelessness policies and services over the last decade. This article will focus on the Nordic countries, where there has been close interaction between research and policy development in the formation of national strategies and programmes.

Ending Homelessness in New Zealand:Final Report of the Cross-Party Inquiry on Homelessness

The hundreds of submissions and pieces of evidence presented to the Cross-Party Inquiry into Homelessness show that the level of homelessness in New Zealand is larger than any other time in recent memory and is continuing to grow.

Aging and homelessness in Canada: A review of frameworks and strategies

This report reviews the literature on housing and re-housing options for homeless older adults. The first section explains the key terms relevant to this topic. The second section summarizes the types of housing available for precariously housed older adults in Canada. These include alternative and affordable housing, emergency shelters, and residential or long-term care.

'Housing First' or 'Housing Led'? The current picture of Housing First in England

Traditionally homelessness services in England have taken a ‘staircase’ or linear approach to housing people experiencing homelessness, whereby people progress through a series of accommodation and treatment services until they are ‘housing ready’ and can access independent housing.

Housing first for homeless people in Norway

The number of homeless people in Norway has not diminished. An analysis in 2012 revealed 6,200 persons with no residences.

‘New ideas to old problems’ needed says head of innovative housing service

Australia needs new solutions to address the growing number of homeless seniors,particularly women. Innovative solutions to look after this cohort are needed. This article looks at Common Ground Tasmania which opened in 2012. Older women have been drawn to the model as it provides safe and secure accommodation with a sense of community and purpose.

Literature Review: Housing Options for Older Homeless People

This report reviews the literature on housing and re-housing options for homeless older adults. The first section explains the key terms relevant to this topic. The second section summarizes the types of housing available for precariously housed older adults in Canada. These include alternative and affordable housing, emergency shelters, and residential or long-term care.
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