Housing insecurity

Housing insecurity and precarious living: an Australian exploration

In this report, we focus on one aspect of housing, which we term ‘housing insecurity’, and the way in which this interacts with other types of insecurities to constitute ‘precarious living’.

Housing insecurity and precarious living: an Australian exploration

An emerging body of international research suggests that housing is associated with many aspects of social and economic life, including personal and family wellbeing, mental and physical health, economic participation, social connectedness, community functioning, sustainable cities and social cohesion.

Homeless at home? Analysing the housing needs and insecurities of single, older, non-homeowning women

While it remains a relatively invisible issue in Australia, evidence is mounting that single, older women are increasingly at risk of housing insecurity and homelessness. This research looks at women’s housing preferences and aims to understand what makes them vulnerable to housing insecurity.
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