Older Women

Women and Housing Policy (APR 2019)

Women’s economic and other inequality creates disadvantage in accessing housing, including housing insecurity and homelessness. Women’s disadvantage occurs in the context of an Australian housing market characterised by a lack of affordable rental housing, together with tightly targeted social housing with long waiting lists. This has led to the emergence of a cohort of people on low incomes

Vital Conversations - Giving Older Women in Greater Melbourne a Voice

The findings of the Greater Melbourne Vital Signs 2017 indicated that older women were facing challenges and, in some cases, extreme disadvantage across diverse aspects of their lives.

Mutual Appreciation: A Social Innovation Think Piece

A triple threat is looming in relation to ageing in Australia, one with particular implications for women. While access to secure and affordable housing can mean the difference between poverty and a decent life in older age, full home ownership in Australia is increasingly a privilege. As we age, housing takes on particular significance.

Homelessness grows for older women aged 55+

The Women’s Electoral Lobby has called on Commonwealth and State governments to respond Australia’s homelessness crisis for women, who are often invisible and amongst the poorest and most vulnerable of those experiencing homelessness. Older women aged 55 and over are the fastest growing cohort of homeless people, with numbers increasing by 31% between 2011 and 2016.

Older Women’s Risk of Homelessness: Background Paper

This background paper provides context regarding older women’s homelessness. It offers some potential solutions to reduce women’s risk of homelessness with a focus on preventative and innovative approaches that look beyond social and community housing as the answer.

Women are the hidden victims of homelessness — but it isn't just a case of sleeping rough

In Australia, older women are the fastest growing group of people experiencing homelessness. Sleeping in cars or couch surfing are among common options for women. This article looks at the issues surrounding older women and homelessness, positing that a lack of money in superannuation is contributing to the problem

Women over 55 are Australia's fastest growing group of homeless

An introduction service for flatmates, converting family homes into partly self-contained apartments and building community-funded homeless shelters are among new attempts to help older Australian women find secure housing. Women over 55 are the fastest growing group of homeless people in Australia, though men and younger people are much more likely to be homeless, 2016 census data shows.

The Forgotten Women - fastest growing homeless population

This presentation looks at the reasons why women aged 55+ are the fastest growing cohort to experience, or be at risk of, homelessness. (National Housing Conference 2019, Darwin)

A Novel Cohousing Project for Older Women and Implications for Loneliness

In this article, we describe a novel approach in older persons’ housing, a recently established cohousing development, ‘New Ground’ in London, UK. Cohousing is a form of grouped housing designed and managed by those who reside within it.

Presentations from The National Homelessness Conference, Melbourne 2018

The 2018 National Homelessness Conference, presenting the theme ‘Ending homelessness together’, delivered a wealth of evidence and information on ways to understand, reduce and alleviate homelessness. Over 800 delegates and more than 80 speakers participated across two very full days, exploring the underlying drivers of homelessness and the differing strategies on how best to overcome it.
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