
Homes and ageing in England

The recent changes to the UK health system, with local authorities now responsible for public health, provide a great opportunity to build more integrated approaches to improvements in prevention and reductions in need for costly health care. There is a strong case to be made for prevention through core housing improvements.

Meeting the Housing Needs of an Ageing Population in Wales: Report of Recommendations

This report documents initial discussions and preliminary recommendations which emerged from an expert workshop held in June 2015 attended by experts from Wales, the rest of the UK and other European countries.

Entries and Exits from Homelessness: A dynamic analysis of the relationship between structural conditions and individual characteristics

This report examines the relationship between structural factors, individual characteristics and homelessness. Our interest in the interaction of structural conditions and individual characteristics gives rise to two secondary research questions.

Chinese Demographics and Aging, Health, and Place

China faces the need for major reforms in healthcare capacity, coverage, affordability and access for rural populations, migrant workers, and an increasingly aging population. There is a need for more diversity in housing types, increased public infrastructure, and innovative social welfare programs for the rapidly growing aged population, who may no longer be able to depend on children or govern

'The older adult' doesn't exist: using values to differentiate older adults in the Dutch housing market

The purpose of the current study is to identify heterogeneity among older adults by differentiating segments of older adults who have (more or less) the same viewpoints, motivations and attitude with respect to housing.

Neighbourhoods for ageing in place

The provision of support for ageing in place has become an important imperative in the redefinition of health and social care policy. Governments agree that the ability of older people to continue living in their neighbourhoods has economic and social value. Ageing in place policies thus fuel the need for supportive neighbourhoods that accommodate older people’s needs.

Seniors downsizing on their own terms: Overcoming planning, legal and policy impediments to the creation of alternative retirement communities

Terms such as ‘ageing in place’ and ‘downsizing’ have become ubiquitous in discourse about the accommodation choices of older people. The terms, while not mutually exclusive, are not necessarily symbiotic and mean different things to different people.

Aging and homelessness in Canada: A review of frameworks and strategies

This report reviews the literature on housing and re-housing options for homeless older adults. The first section explains the key terms relevant to this topic. The second section summarizes the types of housing available for precariously housed older adults in Canada. These include alternative and affordable housing, emergency shelters, and residential or long-term care.

Why we need to talk about ageing in place

The first day of October marked the United Nations (UN) celebrating the International Day of Older Persons. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon stated for the occasion that “making cities inclusive of older persons means generating opportunities for their economic and social participation in accessible and safe environments.

Developing Age-Friendly Cities: Case Studies from Brussels and Manchester and Implications for Policy and Practice

Developing age-friendly communities has become a significant dimension in debates in social policy. This chapter aims to provide a comparison of the age-friendly approaches in two European cities , Brussels and Manchester , with a particular focus on policies and initiatives that promote active ageing in an urban context.
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