
Moving beyond ‘ageing in place’: older people’s dislikes about their home and neighbourhood environments as a motive for wishing to move

Ageing in place has been promoted by policy makers as the optimal residential solution for later life, premised on older people’s reluctance to contemplate relocation, their declining residential mobility and high levels of residential satisfaction.

Housing America's Older Adults : meeting the needs of an aging population

Affordable, accessible, and well-located housing is central to quality of life for people of all ages, but especially for older adults. However, the existing housing stock in the US is unprepared to meet the escalating need for affordability, accessibility, social connectivity, and supportive services.

Aging Population in China: Having a Senior Moment

The elderly care market in China is still in its infancy, despite the imminent demand of its rapidly aging population. At present, almost all nursing homes are publicly funded. This article looks at the opportunities for International businesses to provide alternatives to this model.

Extending the housing options for older people

Ideally, older people should be supported to remain in their existing home with the provision of care and support as required; but for some this is not possible and others may wish to choose an alternative.

Housing America's Older Adult's: Meeting the Needs of an Older Population

A discussion looking at the scale of public policy challenges needed in addressing the implications of the profound demographic shift occurring in the US and the steps to address the deficiencies in the housing stock, community preparedness, and the health care system vital to the national standard of living.

Adapting to the Challenges of an Ageing Population for Social Housing

The UK population, like in many countries, is ageing with wide consequences for society and the economy. One in six people in the UK are now over 65, an increase of more than one million from 2001.

New Approaches to Housing for Older People

This UK report looks at the approaches of organisations that are working to meet the opportunities of our ageing population; it also identifies some of the critical challenges to this, notably but not exclusively around financing, and offers some challenges back to local and central government, for their role in developing a framework that can make it easier for the industry to respond.

A Roof Over My Head: the final report of the Sustain project

There are now 3.8 million households living in the private rented sector (PRS), a number which has nearly doubled in the past ten years. The PRS is increasingly being used by local authorities and agencies to house homeless people but the ending of a private tenancy is now the leading cause of statutory homelessness.

Housing for Older Persons: Options Paper

The government has made significant changes to the way social housing is delivered across New Zealand following recommendations in 2010 by the Housing Shareholders Advisory Group.

Feeling in control: comparing older people's experiences in different care settings

The promotion of choice and control for older people is a policy priority for both health and social care services in the UK. For older people receiving care, it seems that having control is less to do with managing by oneself and more to do with having control over the delegation of their care and responsibilities and influencing how and when care and support is delivered.
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