
Aging in place: From theory to practice

Aging-in-place has become a key and guiding strategy in addressing and meeting the needs of older people. This paper discusses the multifaceted aspects of aging-in-place and presents an ecological approach to understanding the interaction between the individual and her or his environment and its impact on aging-in-place.

Women and Homelessness in Spain

This work focuses on the situation of homeless women in present-day Spain. This constitutes both a social and a personal problem embedded in the dynamics of social exclusion and linked to the interplay among structural, family/relational, personal and cultural elements.

Security of tenure for the ageing population in Western Australia Does current housing legislation support Seniors’ ongoing housing needs?

The genesis of this research commenced several years ago as the impact of Western Australia’s ‘resources boom’ was becoming evident. . Although that period augured in years of prosperity for some Western Australians, for many – especially those on lower and fixed incomes – the rising cost of living became problematic.

Skid Row, Yokohama: Homelessness and Welfare in Japan

Following the bursting of the bubble economy in Japan at the beginning of the 1990s, demand for casual labor slumped. By the end of the decade, there were so few jobs left that most men had given up the struggle.

The impact of Rent Assistance on housing affordability for low-income renters

The Commonwealth Government’s $3.6 billion annual Rent Assistance program is not helping all those Australians who need it. Problems in the design of the Rent Assistance program, combined with inadequate levels of Allowance payments for unemployed people and students, are exacerbating the extreme rates of housing stress that are impacting hundreds of thousands of individuals and families.

Aging in The Netherlands: State of the Art and Science

Abstract The population of the Netherlands is aging, although it is still relatively young in comparison with the population of most other European countries. As Dutch society transitions from a welfare state to a society based more on individual responsibility, the increasingly well-educated and financially well-off elderly people wish to exert more control over their own lives.

'Ageing in Place' in Europe: A multidimensional approach to independent living later in life

This research focuses on the independent living of old people (Ageing in Place) considering it as a process of adaption between older individuals and their living environment in which the goal is to remain at home, despite the possible deterioration of their cognitive functions. The main objective of the work is to explore how the adaption process works, its characteristics, existing types and th

The challenge of an ageing population for social housing can be addressed with an accessible housing register

The UK’s ageing population will will necessitate more specially adapted or ‘accessible’ housing stock. But with continuing long term financial austerity there will be a growing pressure on social landlords to achieve value for money. An accessible housing register is a way to address these issues.

The impact of Rent Assistance on housing affordability for low-income renters: Australia

Rent Assistance has failed to keep up with surging rental costs. Increases to Age and Disability Support Pension payments, since a one-off increase in 2009 of $32 per week, have helped reduce the numbers of these pensioners paying more than half of their income in rent.

The Concept of Preventing and Tackling Homelessness Issues in the Czech Republic until 2020

This first national Concept of Preventing and Tackling Homelessness Issues in the Czech Republic until 2020 should contribute to fulfilling the poverty objective to which the Czech Republic committed itself within the National Reform Programs. The Concept responds to both the Czech Republic’s needs and the EU requirement to intensify the “targeting of social services on the most disadvantaged gro
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