
Older Australians and the housing aspirations gap

This report examined the housing aspirations of older Australians, defined as households over the age of 55. Within this research, housing aspirations were explored through the AHA survey, where respondents selected their ideal location, number of bedrooms, dwelling type and tenure.

A Home for the Ages: Planning for the Future with Age-Friendly Designs

England has a rapidly ageing society. Within five years the over 60s will make-up over 25% of its population, and this is a trend that is set to accelerate. Despite this, little thought has been given to how the housing need of the population is going to change. This report focuses on those over the age of 55, as it is often the age at which residents qualify to enter retirement housing.

Neighbourhoods of the Future 2019: Growing a Brighter Future for Ourselves

Neighbourhoods of the Future 2019 captures the thoughts and predictions of a veritable `who's who' of distinguished experts and emerging thought leaders. In these pages, you will discover novel concepts for disrupting construction, finance, social and business models. A collection of articles presenting an array of positive housing and life-enhancing options for our future.

Housing Options for Our Ageing Population

The changing demographics and the implications for future health care costs underpin the importance of developing a wider choice of appropriate housing options for older people suited to their needs. The aim of this policy statement is to encourage and facilitate timely planning by older people, and to rebalance the care model away from inappropriate residential and/or acute care, to supporting o

Housing Options for Our Ageing Population – Policy Statement

This article discusses the Irish Government's 2019 Joint Policy Statement “Housing Options for our Ageing Population". The Statement reaffirms the strong Government commitment to policies that support older people to live in their own homes and communities with dignity and independence for as long as possible. The Statement plans to make an invaluable contribution in helping to meet th

Lack of homes suitable for older people fuels housing crisis

England’s small towns are set to swell with increasing numbers of elderly people as they reject city living amid a hidden housing crisis caused by a lack of appropriate homes for a rapidly ageing population. The biggest increases in over-55 populations are expected to occur in small towns in the south of England.

Medium- and Long-Term Pressures on the System: The Changing Demographics and Dynamics of Aged Care

This paper outlines how demographic, social and economic pressures will impact on aged care in Australia. For many, particularly the very elderly (85+), advancing age brings with it an increasing need for care and support. Australia’s population is ageing and the proportion of very old people is increasing so there is likely to be an increase in demand for aged care services in coming decades.

Growing Older in Cities: Addressing the Twin Challenges of Ageing and Urbanization

Two trends are certain: populations around the world are ageing rapidly and we are experiencing the largest wave of urban growth in history. Health is central to our experience of older age. The quest for best health will be won or lost in our cities. Cities and communities directly affect health, through barriers or incentives that affect opportunities, decisions and behaviour.

Dignity and choice: An inclusive future for our ageing population

Around the world, advanced economies are grappling with the challenges of an ageing population. Despite this, city shaping decisions are often made without sufficient consideration of how cities will change over the coming decades.

Housing and Ageing – in the Scottish Parliament on 29th January 2019.

The final item of business today is a members’ business debate on motion S5M-15454, in the name of Graham Simpson, on “Housing through the lens of ageing", which builds on previous research and has the aim of constructively progressing the thinking, debate and practice of the role of housing in the quality of life of older people by analysing housing research data gathered via a national hous
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