
CoHousing for Stages of an Aging Britain

The use of diverse types of common interest/intentional communities has burgeoned over the past quarter century. This paper will examine aspects of the particular legal environment for a nascent but growing CoHousing movement within the UK.

Causes of homelessness among older people

Study objectives: With the aim of increasing the understanding of the reasons for homelessness among people aged 50 years and over, and contributing to the development of prevention practice, a collaborative and comparative study between three nations (England, Australia and the US) was undertaken.

The Role of Supportive Housing for Low-Income Seniors in Ontario

Low-income seniors’ ability to age at home, with supports available to accommodate their changing needs, is an issue of critical importance to all Canadians. This research investigates housing and care options for low-income seniors in Ontario, a population at higher risk of poor health outcomes as they age.

Pathways to homelessness among older people in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Brazil’s rapid development has led to profound social and economic stresses. Ten million people are aged 65 and over in Brazil, comprising 6% of the population. Recent governments have sought to improve the lot of older people through progressive non-contributory pension schemes covering both rural and urban populations.

The World Health Organization Age-Friendly Cities Project in Portland, Oregon, USA

In 2006, researchers at the Institute on Aging in the School of Community Health at Portland State University were invited to collaborate with the World Health Organization on its “Age-Friendly Cities Project.” This project was designed to identify indicators of an age-friendly city based on the views of older adults, informal caregivers, and service providers.

Housing in Denmark

The Danish housing stock has improved considerably over the past fifty years or so and, on average, Danes have good dwellings with ample space. This book looks at the evolution of various housing types and their residents in the period from the end of World War 2 to the present time, broken down by ownership type and physical design.

Importance of the Home Environment for Healthy Aging: Conceptual and Methodological Background of the European ENABLE–AGE Project

Currently in Europe as well as in the United States, an increasing proportion of very old people remain living in their homes despite declines in physical and mental health.

Towards Lifetime Neighbourhoods: Designing sustainable communities for all

Many of us are aware that we live in an ageing society. But, as commentators have observed, the impact of these changes is often narrowly framed within a specialist, welfare, health or social care-based perspective.

A Comparative Study of Homelessness in the United Kingdom and Japan

This article describes homelessness in Japan, based on a survey of rough sleepers conducted in Nagoya with some additional demographic data collected in Osaka, and compares it to the situation in the United Kingdom, as documented in a survey of rough sleepers throughout England.

Older people and housing

This UK fact sheet covers key housing issues for an ageing population and looks at Government policies and initiatives that have been implemented.
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