Private Rental

'Isn’t there something awful about society, that so many people are praying for a house?'

Action needs to be be taken to help older people who are homeless or facing other housing issues, ALONE Ireland has said. The charity, which supports older people to live at home, today launched a campaign called ‘How will you pay the rent when you retire?’ It aims to raise awareness about what it calls “the hidden housing crisis among older people”.

Life as an older renter

The New South Wales government has introduced a bill to reform the Residential Tenancies Act. This act sets out the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in private rental accommodation in NSW. It is getting harder for older renters to find adequate, appropriate and secure housing. Older women – the focus of my work – are at particular risk.

La Opinión: Our homeless crisis is a housing crisis

The homeless crisis in Los Angeles is linked to a lack of affordable housing. The 2018 Homeless Count, found more than 9,000 people newly experiencing homelessness, and a sizeable jump among those 62 years old and older.

Report Finds Sharp Rise in Older Women Experiencing Homelessness

The report, “Retiring into Poverty”, released by the National Older Women’s Housing and Homelessness Working Group, said systemic factors such as lower superannuation, unequal pay and forced time off to raise children were key factors of the increase. The combination of women having a lower overall income and housing affordability in major cities was a cause of great instability. Housing afforda

More and more Australians will be homeless unless we act now

One of the most pressing challenges older Australians face is finding secure accommodation with suitable amenities. And as the numbers of older Australians grow, the pressure to provide housing that meets their needs is increasing. We may be facing a crisis of ageing homelessness in coming years. Older Australians face the same risks of falling into homelessness as everyone else.

Ageing with no address

This presentation looks at trends in homelessness for the Australian population aged 55 years and over, using Census data from 2006, 2011 and 2016.

Life as an older renter and what it tells us about the urgent need for reform

It is getting harder for older renters to find adequate, appropriate and secure housing. Older women – the focus of my work – are at particular risk. This is due to longer life expectancy, lower incomes across the life course, and less access to benefits like superannuation.

Housing America's Older Adults

Households headed by someone 50 or over represent 55 percent of all the nation’s households. • Over the past several years, the most significant growth in older households came from baby boomers aged 65- 74.

The Design of Local-Authority Rental Housing for the Elderly That Improves Their Quality of Life

This paper explores the quality of life requirements of elderly people with high-care needs who live in rental housing. Using a qualitative case study approach, it examines the living experiences of six elderly people who need assistance and are living in local-authority rental housing in New Zealand.

Unsuitable, insecure and substandard homes: The barriers faced by older private renters

Growing numbers of older people in the UK are living in private rented accommodation.
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