Private Rental

Experiences of those aged 50+ in the private rented sector

The number of people in England, aged 50+ living in the private rented sector has reached a record high in recent times, at 1.13m in 2015/16 (compared to 651,000 in 2008/9). This equates to nine per cent of the population aged 50 and over (compared to 6 per cent in 2008/9).

Older Renters in the Western Australian Private Rental Sector: Strategies to enhance housing security for WA's older renters

More people are reaching retirement age without owning a home, and the number of older people residing in the private rental market is increasing.

For Low-Income Renters, the Affordable Housing Gap Persists

Finding affordable housing isn’t getting any easier for the more than a quarter of U.S. renters that are extremely low-income. For six years, the National Low Income Housing Coalition has released an annual report calculating the discrepancy between available affordable housing units and renters who earn below the poverty line or 30 percent of the area median.

Ensuring living condition for ageing population by public–private partnership (PPP)

Lack of financial resources has become one of the main issues in fulfilling social and physical needs in urban development. The declining levels of public resources make the collaboration between public and private investors necessary.

Older Aussie renters at ‘greater risk of financial stress’ than home owners

According to new research, older Australians are one of the fastest-growing groups of renters in Australia with an increasing number of retirees forking out for rented properties. Australia's retirement incomes system doesn’t work for everyone. Retirees in the private rental market are at much greater risk of financial stress than homeowners, or those in public housing.

Housing an Ageing Australia: The Ideal of Security of Tenure and the Undermining Effect of Elder Abuse

This article considers the degree of legal security of tenure and ontological security in various forms of accommodation utilised by older people. In so doing, the article examines how elder abuse can dilute legal and ontological security and makes suggestions as to how existing real property laws could be utilised and amended to safeguard housing security for older people

Retired and renting - the trend isn't comforting

The risk is growing that we will see more and more older people living in housing-related poverty. That is one conclusion of the Stocktake of New Zealand's Housing released this week.

Life as an older renter, and what it tells us about the urgent need for tenancy reform

Reform in the private rental sector is essential. Growing numbers of Australians rent their housing and increasing proportions are expected to rent long-term. This makes it essential that private rental housing meets the need that every person has for a secure and affordable home. It is getting harder for older renters to find adequate, appropriate and secure housing.

Tenure insecurity and exclusion: older people in New Zealand's rental market

Declining home ownership among older people throws a spotlight on tenure insecurity. Almost 97,000 people aged 65 and older live in rental accommodation now, and this is expected to rise rapidly as younger renters reach retirement. Older tenants are potentially marginalised in a highly competitive rental market with few provisions relating to tenure security.

Ageing with Choice: Future directions for seniors housing 2019–2024

Ageing with Choice provides direction over the next five years to improve housing choice and outcomes for older Western Australians. Like most developed countries, Australia has an ageing population. The number of people in WA aged 65 or over is projected to grow by 40 per cent to more than 500,000 by 2026. People’s housing needs change with age.
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