Private Rental

Life as an older renter and what it tells us about the urgent need for reform

It is getting harder for older renters to find adequate, appropriate and secure housing. Older women – the focus of my work – are at particular risk. This is due to longer life expectancy, lower incomes across the life course, and less access to benefits like superannuation.

The Design of Local-Authority Rental Housing for the Elderly That Improves Their Quality of Life

This paper explores the quality of life requirements of elderly people with high-care needs who live in rental housing. Using a qualitative case study approach, it examines the living experiences of six elderly people who need assistance and are living in local-authority rental housing in New Zealand.

Unsuitable, insecure and substandard homes: The barriers faced by older private renters

Growing numbers of older people in the UK are living in private rented accommodation.

Presentations from The National Homelessness Conference, Melbourne 2018

The 2018 National Homelessness Conference, presenting the theme ‘Ending homelessness together’, delivered a wealth of evidence and information on ways to understand, reduce and alleviate homelessness. Over 800 delegates and more than 80 speakers participated across two very full days, exploring the underlying drivers of homelessness and the differing strategies on how best to overcome it.

A longer lease on life: issues for older renters

With a surplus of $3.9 billion for 2016-17, the 2018 NSW State Budget had its winners and losers. The latter include seniors and renters. This blog examine some of the issues confronting older renters.

'Ticking time bomb': Older Australians face housing crisis

Australian retirees will face a housing crisis within 15 years unless urgent action is taken, according to the Council on the Ageing. It drew attention to the impact on older Australians of rising prices, rising rents, huge mortgage debt and the scarcity of suitable homes. The assumption that Australians retire in a home they own underpins the nation’s superannuation and pension systems, but thi

Housing affordability is not just about youth. 15,000 seniors are homeless

Private rental accommodation is now more unaffordable than owner-occupied. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, people who rent, spend more of their income on housing than people with a mortgage.

Housing stress 'dire' as elderly Canberra women resort to sleeping in cars

Women more than 80 years old are turning to Canberra's homeless services for shelter, forced out of housing by the ACT's rental market, low savings and family violence. Homelessness services are reporting a rise in clients who are elderly women, some resorting to sleeping in cars and couch surfing for shelter before seeking help.

Housing affordability is not just about youth. 15,000 seniors are homeless

As hard as it is for young people to get a foot on the property ladder, it’s even harder for pensioners and low to middle income renters to get a foot in the door ... any door. Private rental accommodation is now more unaffordable than owner-occupied. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, people who rent spend more of their income on housing than people with a mortgage.

Unsettled, Insecure, Expensive and Scarce: The Experience of Renting in Australia

National Shelter increasingly looks at the performance of our rental markets in terms of affordability and it was about time we also looked at the experience of renters as users of tenancy products.
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