Public Housing

Intergenerational Housing Support between Retired Old Parents and their Children in Urban China

Tackling low housing affordability in cities has become a key concern for the Chinese government, as it is increasingly associated with ensuring social stability as well as guaranteeing a decent standard of living for urban residents.

The social worlds of older public and private renters in Sydney

This paper explores the social worlds of older private and public renters in Sydney, Australia. Drawing on 56 in - depth interviews, it argues that the cost of accommodation and security of tenure played a pivotal role in shaping the social connections and leisure activity of the interviewees.

Supported housing for older people in the UK: An evidence review

This UK-wide review examines the quality of life that sheltered and retirement housing offers older tenants and owner-occupiers, especially those with high support needs.

Market Assessment of Housing Options for Older People

This UK study addresses three broad groups of questions: - Choice, availability and affordability: If an older person or couple is thinking about moving, do they have a wide enough choice of suitable housing? Are developers and providers offering what older people want (and if not, why not)?

Submission to Victorian Parliament Family & Community Development Committee Inquiry into the Adequacy and Future Directions of Public Housing in Victoria

The scarcity of affordable and appropriate housing is becoming a significant contributor to poverty, disadvantage and homelessness among older Australians.

The Future Housing and Support Needs of Older People in Northern Ireland

The project brief required: an analysis of demographic and policy trends to support informed decision making regarding future housing need assessment for older people; collation of information on the existing supply of accommodation for elderly people in relation to the distribution of the elderly population; and a ten-year projection, from 2006 to 2016, of the future housing needs of older people

Contentment and suffering: the impact of Australia's housing policy and tenure on older Australians.

Post WWII, the housing policy of successive Australian governments has focused on facilitating the expansion of home ownership. This policy has enabled a large proportion of older Australians to acquire their own homes.

Comparing the Life Circumstances of Older Public Housing Tenants to Older Private Renters in Sydney

Due to a virtual freeze on the building of new public housing and a decline in housing affordability, an ever-increasing number of older Australians are dependent on the private rental market for their accommodation. Using in-depth interviews, the situations of older renters in Sydney, in public housing and private rented accommodation who are dependent mainly on the age pension are compared.

Rental housing provision for lower- income older Australians

A new policy approach is required to meet the anticipated increase in demand for affordable rental housing for lower-income older Australians during the next two decades. A projected increase of 115% from 2001-2026 in the number of lower-income people aged 65 and over living in rental households far exceeds the supply capacity of the social housing system.

Resettling Older Homeless People: a longitudinal study of outcomes

This report describes the findings of a longitudinal study of the resettlement of 64 older homeless people in London, Leeds and Sheffield. The study examined their progress for two years after they were rehoused. The field-work commenced in July 1997, and it continued until August 2001 when the last subject had been rehoused for 24 months.
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