
National overview of the retirement village sector

The dramatic increase in the number of Australians turning 65 over the next 20 years is now an established demographic fact. Treasury projects a doubling of the seniors’ population by 2 050, with an economically signi fi cant reduction in the ratio of t axpayers to retirees.

Assets, debt and the drawdown of housing equity by an ageing population

This Positioning Paper is the first output of a project that aims to uncover the uses, financial costs and risks of housing equity withdrawal (HEW) via alternative mechanisms by older Australians.

A Life-Course Perspective on Housing Expectations and Shifts in Late Midlife

This US study applies a life-course approach and retirement migration theory to develop a model of future housing expectations and actual moves for a random sample of men and women in late midlife. Results suggest that late-midlife workers and retirees expect to age in place; expectations to live in highly supportive environments are uniformly low.

Policy Implications of the Ageing of Australia’s Population

The conference explored a broad range of key issues to do with ageing, including its effects on economic growth, government revenue and expenditure in the long run, superannuation, health, the provision of long term care and housing arrangements. This publication brings together the papers, discussants’ comments and summaries of general discussion in each session.
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