Rough Sleeping

The situation of older people becoming homeless

A presentation outlining the problems England and Wales are currently facing in the area of an increasingly ageing homeless demographic.

Older Persons Experiencing Homelessness - Their perceptions and needs influencing supportive interior design and architecture

America’s homeless population is growing older. Achieving the goal of ending homelessness requires the development of coordinated community response systems, which include diversion prevention and intervention strategies that are targeted toward homeless individuals and families of all ages.

Sisters, other Catholics, care for elderly in Cuba

The need for care and accommodation for an ageing population of the poor in Cuba is being addressed by the Catholic Church. This article looks at two different care models.

Old age far from gentle for Japan's graying homeless

Homelessness in Japan is a decades-old issue, yet it has a worrying new twist.

Homelessness and older Australians: scoping the issues

This report is written in the context of the Australian Government’s long-term goals of halving overall homelessness and offering supported accommodation to all rough sleepers who need assistance by 2020. It focuses on the implications of these goals for one specific demographic group, older Australians.

Routes out of Poverty and Isolation for Older Homeless People: Possible Models from Poland and the UK

Policies in many EU countries have sought to address the link between worklessness, reliance on state benefits and the attendant poverty that they inevitably bring. However, the focus has tended to be on the acquisition of skills and education amongst younger people.

The Limitations of Cost Analysis in Relation to Homelessness

The increasing focus on cost comparisons between services can lead to misleading conclusions about their ef fectiveness. Whilst cost compari sons can be a useful tool both for benchmarking services and as a means of advocating for services for unpopular groups, data can be difficult to collect and to interpret in a meaningful way.

A Comparative Study of Homelessness in the United Kingdom and Japan

This article describes homelessness in Japan, based on a survey of rough sleepers conducted in Nagoya with some additional demographic data collected in Osaka, and compares it to the situation in the United Kingdom, as documented in a survey of rough sleepers throughout England.

The Achievements of a Multiservice Project for Older Homeless People

The aim of this article is to assess the ways in which older homeless people can be helped to return to more conventional accommodation and lives.

Policy and service responses to rough sleeping among older people

Rough sleeping in Britain has a long history, and interventions have alternated between legal sanctions and humanitarian concern. This paper critically examines recent changes in homeless policies and services, with particular reference to the needs of older people who sleep rough. The characteristics and problems of the group are first described.
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