
What do single, older women want? Their ‘own little space’ (and garden) to call home, for a start

The “great Australian dream” of owning your own home is rapidly proving to be an illusion for many in the early 21st century. In an environment of exceedingly high house prices, groups who don’t have secure, long-term employment are at risk of homelessness, particularly as they age.

Could retirement villages be the answer to affordable housing for older women?

With the rate of home ownership going down across Australia, the demand for social housing has never been higher – and retirement village operators are filling the gap, with a retirement village planned for the western Sydney suburb of Richmond the latest to promise to include social housing units.

'We're so far behind': Canada unprepared for housing needs of rising senior population

As the number of seniors continues to grow, experts say Canada is failing to prepare for the housing and home care needs of an aging population. Statistics Canada 2016 census figures revealed that the country recorded its greatest increase in the proportion of seniors. This increase will have implications on future policy making, in particular the housing needs of the elderly.

So Happy Together: Shared Living in Retirement

Some might call it a commune, others might call it a tribe. But retirees who are sharing housing in their senior years call it smart and sustainable. This Canadian article looks at new ways seniors are finding a sense of community and happiness while reducing their housing expenses.

A New Look at Getting Older: inspiring adults 55+ to support one another and the positive impact it has on housing and livelihood.

Senior cohousing communities like are being built across the U.S. The U.K., Europe, and Canada have also seen an upsurge in cohousing groups coming together, and other countries are not far behind. The concept originated in Denmark in the latter part of the 20th century as older adults began voicing their desire to live independently, in community.

What can you do if you don't want to go into a retirement village?

Enterprising baby boomers are turning to co-housing to avoid the conventional retirement communities that were often the only option for their parents.

Revolutionary day care for Alzheimer’s sufferers: Dementia villages

Glenner Town Square, a faux mini-town with a 1950s and 1960s look designed for people with dementia, is set to open in San Diego next spring. It is a reimagined, new kind of day care: a faux mini-town with a 1950s and 1960s look designed for people with dementia. The concept is based on reminiscence therapy.

The Village Movement: A Neighborly Way to Age in Place

The village community model combines aging in place with the type of interdependent living that helps make aging alone for longer possible. It’s an innovative take on what life in traditional American villages used to offer—trusted relationships with neighbors and the wider community. A nonprofit, grassroots solution that’s governed by its members.

Thousands of over-55s pushed to the front of social housing queue

Seven thousand people at risk of homelessness in Victoria will be moved onto a high-priority waiting list for secure social housing, but on one condition – they must be aged 55 or older. In May the Andrews government gazetted a new social housing category solely for those aged 55 and older

The grey ghettos: seniors on the fringes doing it tough

A landmark analysis of census data shows that a “wellbeing divide” is emerging among older Australians, with housing the key issue. The Index of Wellbeing for Older Australians identified the areas where seniors with the lowest level of wellbeing lived, and the factors that contributed most to their low wellbeing.
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