
Older Renters: The New Face of Poverty

Older private renters, especially those who are single and female, are the new face of poverty The number of older, single women in the private rental market increased by a massive 50 percent between the 2006 and 2011 ABS Censuses.

Why older women need access to affordable housing

This article examines the plight of women over 55 who are non-homeowners and at risk of homelessness. It looks at an innovative housing development in Queensland, which brought about the renovation of an existing, uninhabitable building into affordable, modern apartments for low income earners over the age of 55.

Lessons from Finland: helping homeless people starts with giving them homes

The housing first model is quite simple: when people are homeless, you give them housing first – a stable home, rather than progressing them through several levels of temporary and transitional accommodation.

Cohousing: a solution for the Elderly?

A discussion on the pros and cons of cohousing as a solution to Italy's ageing population's housing needs.

Improving with age? How city design is adapting to older populations

By 2050, there will be more over-65s than children under 15. The number of people over 100 will increase by 1,000%. And as by then 70% of the world’s population will likely live in cites, this will present huge challenges, and cities will need to adapt. An ageing population is not inherently a bad thing: it reflects improved health and rising life expectancies.

Multigenerational homes that fit just right

The number of Americans living in multigenerational households — defined, generally, as homes with more than one adult generation — rose to 56.8 million in 2012, or about 18.1 percent of the total population, from 46.6 million, or 15.5 percent of the population in 2007, The homebuilding industry is responding quickly to this shifting demand by creating homes specifically intended for such famili

How Will The Villages Age With Their Members?

As grassroots organizations of older adults, The Villages are based on the idea of neighbors helping neighbors. But having been around for 15 years, the national Village movement faces a new challenge. As they move into advanced age, there will be problems with memory loss, with fragility, with hospitalizations, with the need for more support on a regular basis.

An Important Trial for Senior Housing in Hong Kong

For such a sophisticated and well developed real estate market, Hong Kong lacks one particular type of asset that most other mature urban areas have at ready supply: dedicated senior housing.

Is This Sustainable Village The Future Of Retirement?

This article looks at Serenbe, a New Urbanist community outside Atlanta, Georgia. Since opening in 2004, it has grown to include two villages of about 500 residents. Praised by urban planners, architects, and sustainability proponent, construction of the third village aims to make Serenbe a great place to grow old. And maybe a model for a new kind of retirement communities.

Co-living is perfect to house ageing populations

Co-living complexes aren't just for millennials – they could also be used to house the growing population of senior citizens. It could be said that current housing options for older people, from retirement communities to nursing homes, are "storage devices" that create social segregation.
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