
A Nursing Home That's Also a Dorm

In the Netherlands, more retirement and nursing homes are asking college students to move in, an arrangement that benefits everyone. The intergenerational living model is beginning to gain in popularity. Since Humanitas opened its doors to students in 2012, two more nursing homes in the Netherlands have followed suit.

Would you live in a share house at 65?

The current options for retirement are rather uninspiring—stay at home or go to an aged care facility. Pioneering groups of architects, the elderly and social scientists are looking at creative alternatives,

Older, single women are the new face of homelessness, says Anglican report

Older single women are the new face of homelessness in Australia, welfare group Anglicare has revealed in a new report that looks at the groups falling through the cracks in society. The State of the Family report, released on Monday, found that older single women were much more vulnerable to poverty and homelessness due to lower workplace participation, lifelong unpaid caring responsibilities an

Tiny Houses are Becoming a Big Deal

The idea of living small, really small, is catching on. Tiny house communities are multiplying, and approximately two out of every five tiny house owners are over age 50. Tiny house converts and fans are hosting events and how-to workshops across the country. And builders and designers are catering to the demand.

Cohousing: 'It makes sense for people with things in common to live together'

New housing scheme offering older people the chance to live independently but in a shared community. The article discusses a pioneering new housing scheme for older women in North London, where members would move together into a custom-built housing development, in which each would have her own self-contained apartment and front door, but where they would share communal facilities.

How can we best design housing for Australia’s ageing population?

Few older Australians actually live in non-private housing such as nursing homes. Data from the 2011 Census reveals that 94% of Australians who are 65 or older still live in private housing. More than half live with a partner and another quarter live alone. Australia’s current housing options are not future-proofed for its ageing population.

Housing an Ageing Population

The UK's ageing society presents massive housing challenges in years ahead, but the retirement housing sector should be well placed to turn these into opportunities. Older people are sitting on over £1trn of housing equity and over half are living in homes larger than they necessarily require.

The age of ageing: Barcelona’s growing elderly population

Barcelona is ageing fast. The elderly cohort constitutes a greater proportion of Barcelona’s population than ever before, and, perhaps most worryingly, face an increased likelihood of living alone.

Room for the future: Will Australia’s apartments today work for the ageing population of tomorrow?

In the focus on ‘investors versus families’, the debate around apartment regulation often ignores one of the most important housing issues facing modern Australia – the need to accommodate our ageing population. Professor Lorraine Farrelly argues for adaptability in the design of new apartments.

Aging Population in China: Having a Senior Moment

The elderly care market in China is still in its infancy, despite the imminent demand of its rapidly aging population. At present, almost all nursing homes are publicly funded. This article looks at the opportunities for International businesses to provide alternatives to this model.
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