Fact Sheet
Road to poverty relief in Australia
This October 2019 edition of ResearchPress explores the complex
dimensions of poverty, homelessness for veterans and older Australians, the importance of social inclusion, and mental health prevention for our young people.
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has found a sharp increase in the rate of over 55s receiving specialist homelessness services, especially for women.
Use of homelessness services by contemporary ex-serving Australian Defence Force members 2011–17
Between 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2017, 1,215 contemporary ex-serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) members used specialist homelessness services (SHS), representing 1.1% of the contemporary ex-serving ADF population (those who have at least 1 day of service on or after 1 January 2001 who discharged after that date).
Specialist housing for older people
This fact sheet is about housing designed or designated for older people. In most cases, this is people over the age of 55 or 60. Specialist housing for older people comes in many different forms, which can be grouped according to the level of support offered.
Homelessness and Older People
According to the ABS, 14,851 people aged 55+ were experiencing
homelessness on Census night 2011. People aged 55+ consist of
only 7% of clients accessing specialist homelessness services in 2014– 15. This is partly due to the service system design but also indicates that is a lack of beds for older Australians within the homelessness service system.
Sustaining the Village Movement: Lessons From Pioneers About Village Business Models and Sustainability
Over the past 10 years in the US, the Village model has emerged as a leading model to support aging in the community. The Village model is a pioneering, community-based approach that leverages existing assets and builds stronger ties within the community.
WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities
A list of the world's cities and communities that are part of the WHO network of age-friendly cities and communities.
The Village: A Growing Option for Aging in Place – 2010
The Village offers an option for meeting the needs of the growing older population by making it possible for people to stay in their communities and “age in place.” Neighborhood residents create villages to help coordinate and deliver services and supports within their communities. This consumer-driven and person-centered approach can help delay or even prevent the need for institutional care.
The Cohousing Approach to 'Lifetime Neighbourhoods'
This UK fact sheet considers how local authorities can work with public and private sector partners to develop a cohousing approach towards the outcomes sought from the government’s national strategy on housing for an ageing society.
Older people and housing
A fact sheet looking at the housing options of older people in the UK. It uses census data, outlines key issues related to housing for older people and lists Government policy initiatives that have been put in place to address the problems.
Older people and housing
This UK fact sheet covers key housing issues for an ageing population and looks at Government policies and initiatives that have been implemented.
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