Journal Article

Housing accessibility for senior citizens in Sweden: Estimation of the effects of targeted elimination of environmental barriers

This research aims to estimate the effects of targeted elimination of environmental barriers (EB) in the ordinary housing stock in Sweden, and to explore the estimated effects on accessibility at a population level in relation to (a) residents with different functional profiles, (b) different housing types and (c) building periods. The elimination of the EB most commonly addressed by housing adap

Is Housing a Health Insult?

Abstract: In seeking to understand the relationship between housing and health, research attention is often focussed on separate components of people’s whole housing ‘bundles’.

Introduction to special issue: aging in place

The concept of aging in place has been discussed as a phenomenon, goal, or process. Initially the focus was on “place” as dwelling and evolved to “relationships” in a community. Thus, aging in community or age-friendly community reflect an updated focus for researchers, policymakers, and service providers.

Health and welfare profile of Australian baby boomers who live in rented accommodation – implications for the future

Baby boomers who rent are often overlooked as an important sub-group. this research assessed the chronic conditions, risk factors, socio-economic factors and other health-related factors associated with renting in private or public housing.

Older homeless women's identity negotiation: agency, resistance and the construct of a valued self

Abstract There is a growing awareness that the adult homeless population is ageing, mirroring the general US population trend. Although men still outnumber women among the adult homeless population, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of women, including older women, seeking shelter each night.

Senior Cohousing in Cost-Cutting Research

This paper concerns the issue of senior cohousing, with particular emphasis on the residents' gender. It looks at the 'feminisation of ageing' where in Poland, 80% of people 65+ living alone are women.

Aging in Italy: The Need for New Welfare Strategies in an Old Country

Italy has the largest proportion of elderly citizens (aged ≥65) in Europe of 21.4%. Italy is conducting important studies on aging, both at the national and international level.

An Emerging Research Strand: Housing Exclusion in Central and South East Europe

There was large-scale restructuring of welfare arrangements in the post-soviet states of CEE and SEE in the post-transition years, with newly emerging social challenges including various forms of housing exclusion and homelessness. This article summarises the state of research and some evidence in the CEE and SEE region.

Housing for an Aging Population

We use the American Housing Survey to examine the distribution and occupancy of homes that have, or could be modified to have, accessibility features that allow seniors to successfully remain in the community as they age. Despite the aging population and the growing need for accessible housing, the U.S.
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