Journal Article

Features of home and neighbourhood and the liveability of older South Africans

While older people live in developing countries, little is known about the relative importance of features of their communities in influencing their liveability. We examinecomponents of home and neighbourhood among older South Africans.

Falling Through the Cracks: Exploring the Subsidized Housing Needs of Low-Income Preseniors From the Perspectives of Housing Providers

Low-income preseniors represent a vulnerable, often overlooked population facing multiple challenges related to finding and sustaining employment, limited financial resources, mental and physical health challenges, mobility issues, and ineligibility for pensions and benefits for seniors.

Home Is Where the Heart Is, but Where Is 'Home'

Because our physical surroundings play such an important role in creating a sense of meaning and organization in our lives, it is not surprising that our sense of the place we live is closely tied to our sense of who we are. “Home” is the place where you feel in control and properly oriented in space and time; it is a predictable and secure place.

The voices of midlife women facing housing insecurity in Victoria, Australia

Single, older women in the State of Victoria, Australia have emerged as a group experiencing housing insecurity and being highly vulnerable to homelessness in their old age. A sizable demographic cohort, it is a group that could overwhelm the existing homelessness service system. One of the most surprising aspects of this trend is their propensity to be tertiary educated.

Development of new cohousing: lessons learned from a London scheme for the over-50s

There is increased interest in the UK in cohousing as a desirable alternative for older people.

The Head, The Heart & The House: Health, Care and Quality of Life

Around 2.8 million Australians tuned in to Channel 9 in mid-October 2014 to watch the auc on of The Block, the most recent instalment of the hit property renova on show. The highest-ra ng reality TV show in Australia documented in painful detail the shock and dismay of the Block par cipants as their apartments were sold at auc on.We are a na on mesmerised by housing and home improvement.

Population Ageing, Urbanization and Housing Demand

At present, China is the world’s most populous country in the elderly, accounting for 20% of the world’s elderly population. The authors believe that although the Chinese population ageing level is increasing year by year and the demand for housing is undoubtedly a great negative impact, the rapid urbanization may offset the impact to some extent.

'The older adult' doesn't exist: using values to differentiate older adults in the Dutch housing market

The purpose of the current study is to identify heterogeneity among older adults by differentiating segments of older adults who have (more or less) the same viewpoints, motivations and attitude with respect to housing.

Age-Friendly Community Initiatives: Conceptual Issues and Key Questions

US public policy and programs for older adults traditionally have focused on the delivery of benefits to targeted individuals.

Housing first for homeless people in Norway

The number of homeless people in Norway has not diminished. An analysis in 2012 revealed 6,200 persons with no residences.
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