Master's Thesis

Questioning the Senior Cohousing Challenge: A Cross-Sector Analysis of Interviews with Leading Experts

Seniors will make up an unprecedented 25% of Canadians by the year 2030. This demographic shift will challenge our society to address the basic human right of a dignified and healthy aging. One troubling aspect of aging is the degree to which seniors experience isolation and loneliness. Cohousing can offer older adults a place to age in place, within a ‘community-of-care’.

Older Women and Homelessness: Lived Experiences of Accessing Social and Health Services

The purpose of this thesis was to explore the experiences of accessing health and social services for older women who have lived experience with homelessness. Women over the age of 50 with lived experience of homelessness participated in face to face interviews where they were asked to share their experiences with accessing services in the northern British Columbia (BC) community of Prince George

Older Women and Homelessness: Lived Experiences of Accessing Social and Health Services

The purpose of this thesis was to explore the experiences of accessing health and social services for older women (50+) who have lived experience with homelessness. The connection between mental health issues, substance dependence, and trauma is recognized by many health and social service providers.

Sustainable Design for the Elderly: Senior Housing Design Guidelines

There is a huge demand for elderly housing in the US. Buildings for senior living must be of a particular type. To meet the theory of sustainable design, it is necessary to evaluate the suitability of buildings for senior living. This research presents three case studies on well-designed senior housing, including a nursing home, a complex nursing community and a senior apartment.

Reframing "Aging in Place" to "Aging in Community": Exploring Innovative Models to Support Aging in Place in British Columbia

The purpose of this paper is to explore how shifting from a reliance on services provided under a publicly subsidized health care system to greater investment in social capital may bridge some of the existing gaps that prevent seniors from aging within their homes and communities.

Socio-technical transitions: a case study of co-housing in London

Despite the growing government and public interest of community-led housing in the UK, in London co-housing is still very marginal.

Building Together. Tiny House Villages for the Homeless: A Comparative Case Study

Tiny homes, no larger than a parallel parking spot, are an emerging trend in housing for those uninterested, unwilling or unable to participate in traditional housing markets. Five groups across the United States have harnessed this minimalist movement to provide free or extremely low-cost housing for those experiencing homelessness.

The Pioneers of the Village Movement: An Exploration of Membership and Satisfaction Among Beacon Hill Village Members

Villages are designed by and for older adults, an idea that originated from a group of friends in Boston, Massachusetts, in preparation for their future and growing older in their homes and the vibrant community of Boston. In 2002, Beacon Hill Village, a member-driven grassroots organization serving people age fifty and over became the first Village in the world, and gave rise the national Villag

Opportunities and Challenges of Innovative Housing and/or Support Service Models in fostering Aging in Place for Older Adults: A Critical Review

This capstone project presents a critical synthesis of recent literature (2000 to 2013) focused on three types of innovative housing and/or service models and aging in place to address housing needs for older adults. By comparative analysis of their differences and similarities, opportunities and challenges are identified for Villages, Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs) and Cohous

Cooperative housing for an ageing Australia

The focus of this study is on not-for-profit cooperative housing and the role it may be able to play in addressing the challenge of an ageing population in Australia.
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