Public Report
Older Women's Pathways out of Homelessness in Australia
This study examines pathways out of homelessness for older women in Australia. It seeks to understand the range of possible responses and program models that would assist in addressing their homelessness. It explicitly intends to inform the service sector.
Security of tenure for the ageing population in Western Australia
The genesis of this research commenced several years ago as the impact of Western Australia’s ‘resources boom’ was becoming evident. Although that period augured in years of prosperity for some Western Australians, for many – especially those on lower and fixed incomes – the rising cost of living became problematic.
Older Women's Pathways Out of Homelessness
The largest proportion of older women presenting with housing crisis in Australia have led conventional lives, and rented whilst working and raising a family. Few have previously had involvement with welfare and other support systems.
Older women’s risk of homelessness can be lessened by the way welfare and housing systems work and interact with older women.
The impact of Rent Assistance on housing affordability for low-income renters
The Commonwealth Government’s $3.6 billion annual Rent Assistance program is not helping all those Australians who need it. Problems in the design of the Rent Assistance program, combined with inadequate levels of Allowance payments for unemployed people and students, are exacerbating the extreme rates of housing stress that are impacting hundreds of thousands of individuals and families.
Leeds Older People’s Forum: Housing for Older People in Leeds
This is an introductory report summarising the key factors that need to be included in a housing policy for older people in Leeds. It is based on surveys and consultations that have taken place in Leeds plus the findings of similar work carried out in other areas of England.
Models of special accommodation for older people across Europe
The purpose of the Report is the provision of an Information Record of models of specialist accommodation and care for older people, and related standards, in use across the countries of the European Union, the acceding and candidate countries, and the EFTA countries: Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein (in total 38 countries).
Age-Friendly Chicago Phase 1 Findings from focus groups with older adults in Chicago’s senior centers
This report is designed to prompt discussion about the future challenges associated with increasing numbers of older adults aging in place in the city.
We aim to present older Chicagoans’ views and opinions of their city as an enabling and/or disabling environment.
Senior cohousing communities: an alternative approach for the UK?
This report draws on two events in Spring 2012. The first, in York, brought together people aged over 50, mainly from existing or recently formed groups interested in cohousing. The second, in Dunfermline, included representatives of local authorities and housing associations with people aged over 50.
A study of the Housing and Support needs of Older People in Herefordshire
This research sought to understand the overall needs of older people
in the administrative area of Herefordshire and any differences that existed between the local housing market areas.
A study of the Housing and Support needs of Older People in Herefordshire
Appendices to:
A Study of the Housing and Support Needs of Older People in Herefordshire (2012)
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