Strategy Paper

Older People's Housing Strategy

In the UK, an ageing society is one of the greatest challenges for housing, and national government has identified this as an area where significant changes need to be made, not only in the actual buildings but in challenging society’s perceptions of what housing for older people should mean.

Age, Home and Community: A Strategy for Housing for Scotland’s Older People: 2012 - 2021

With the twin challenges of an ageing population and reduced availability of public funding, we need to change the way we deliver services to focus on those which help support independent living and prevent or reduce the need for more intensive services. This will not only achieve what older people want, but will also help us to make the best use of our limited resources.

Lifetime Homes Lifetime Neighbourhoods: A National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society

In the UK, most of our homes and communities are not designed to meet people’s changing needs as they grow older. Older people’s housing options are too often limited to care homes or sheltered housing. Put simply, we need more and better homes for older people now. This strategy sets out our response to the global challenge of ageing.
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