Alan DeLaTorre
The Intersection Between Sustainability and Age-Friendly Development
This chapter explores the intersection between sustainable development and the age-friendly project in Portland by detailing a case study of factors that affected the planning and development of sustainable, affordable housing for older adults in Portland.
Moving Toward Age-Friendly Housing in King County
This assessment is instrumental for understanding how to meet the current – and future – housing needs of older adults in King County, US.
This assessment utilized various strategies: 1) secondary data analysis of federal, state, and local data sources to assess several factors, including current housing stock, diversity of the older adult population within King County, and housing cost burden fo
Sustainable, Affordable Housing for Older Adults: A Case Study of Factors that Affect Development in Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon, is considered to be a leader in sustainable development. Government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and businesses have been innovators in policymaking and practice that is aimed at creating a more sustainable city.
The World Health Organization Age-Friendly Cities Project in Portland, Oregon, USA
In 2006, researchers at the Institute on Aging in the School of Community Health at Portland State University were invited to collaborate with the World Health Organization on its “Age-Friendly Cities Project.” This project was designed to identify indicators of an age-friendly city based on the views of older adults, informal caregivers, and service providers.