Frank Oswald
Improved Housing Accessibility for Older People in Sweden and Germany: Short Term Costs and Long-Term Gains
The physical housing environment is important to facilitate activities of daily living (ADL) for older people.
Voices on Relocation and Aging in Place in Very Old Age—A Complex and Ambivalent Matter
This cross-national qualitative study explores how very old people reflect upon relocation and aging in place.
Is Aging in Place a Resource for or Risk to Life Satisfaction?
Given age-related health restrictions, the importance of the environment for life satisfaction may increase in later life.
Importance of the Home Environment for Healthy Aging: Conceptual and Methodological Background of the European ENABLE–AGE Project
Currently in Europe as well as in the United States, an increasing proportion of very old people remain living in their homes despite declines in physical and mental health.
Dimensions of the Meaning of Home in Later Life
The meaning of home in later life provides a perfect example of how strongly "objective" contextual factors and "subjective" representations are linked as people age. Although a considerable body of research has been published on the meaning of home among elders, the literature is still plagued by pronounced conceptual and empirical diversity.