Research on Aging
Choosing Among Residential Options: Results of a Vignette Experiment
Among decisions that older people have to make, those involving potential residential relocation are among the most important and difficult. Because of both attraction to their current residence and negative aspects of moving, older people usually have a strong preference to remain in place.
Living Arrangements of Older Adults in China: The Interplay Among Preferences, Realities, and Health
This article uses the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey to examine the dynamics of living arrangements among the elderly in China.
The author explores what factors are related to living arrangement preference. In addition, the author looks at a relatively unexplored measure— “living arrangement concordance”—having a match between preferred and actual living arrangements.
A Life-Course Perspective on Housing Expectations and Shifts in Late Midlife
This US study applies a life-course approach and retirement migration theory to develop a model of future housing expectations and actual moves for a random sample of men and women in late midlife.
Results suggest that late-midlife workers and retirees expect to age in place; expectations to live in highly supportive environments are uniformly low.