Urban ageing - Swiss Life Group
Between 1980 and 2015, the proportion of Switzerland's urban population increased from 57% to 74%. 92% of the Swiss population aged over 65 now live in cities.
Making cities more age-friendly, and sharing best practice, can help to create environments that promote autonomy for older urban residents. However, such goals are difficult to achieve.
Ageing in place: challenges and opportunities at the interface between property management and older residents
An important concept within the current social and health policy discussion on healthy ageing is ‘ageing in place’.
‘Ageing in place – challenges and opportunities at the interface between property management and older residents’ seeks to facilitate ageing in place.
Fresh approaches to older people’s housing: Insights from overseas
Concepts like ‘retirement villages’ and ‘nursing homes’ seem increasingly outmoded.
Would you live in a share house at 65?
The current options for retirement are rather uninspiring—stay at home or go to an aged care facility. Pioneering groups of architects, the elderly and social scientists are looking at creative alternatives,
Wohnfabrik Solinsieme. A Swiss example of co-housing for older people
Architectural description of the Wohnfabrik Solinsieme housing co-operative for older people in Switzerland.
Cities face challenge of an age-old problem
Urbanisation and aging: the trend in western societies is irreversible. If they are not to spawn ghettos and places of exclusion, cities – and urban planning generally – need to be revisited.
A paradigm shift is more necessary than ever. We need to build cities geared to aging – cities where the built environment encourages active aging.
Nursing homes in 10 nations: a comparison between countries and settings
The objective of this paper is to describe and compare the long-term care systems in 10 countries participating in studies employing the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) and to place them in the context of the changing population dynamics in each country.