Robin Darton
A community hub approach to older people’s housing
This paper explores the potential of housing with care schemes to act as community hubs. The analysis highlights a range of benefits, barriers and facilitators.
Evaluating Extra Care Housing for Older People in England: A Comparative Cost and Outcome Analysis with Residential Care
The appropriate response to the housing and care needs of an ageing population is much debated in the policy and practice literature in England, alongside considerations of how to ensure affordable and sustainable funding.
Improving housing with care choices for older people: an evaluation of extra care housing
Over the last decade, extra care housing has emerged as a welcome
alternative to residential care and the various forms of sheltered housing previously available.
Evaluation of the extra care housing initiative: PSSRU technical report
A central principle underlying the policy of recent UK governments has been to help people maintain their independence in their own homes for as long as possible. More recently, policies have emphasised the personalisation of services, with the aim of giving people greater choice and control over the services they receive.