
Elderly care and housing demand in the EU: Golden opportunities, but mind the cultural gap

Ageing often has a negative connotation, especially in an economic sense. On average, retired people produce and consume less than young people do. However, ageing is not just a story of declining economic potential. The other side of the coin shows rising demand for products and services that are tailored to the needs of the elderly.

Urban ageing - Swiss Life Group

Between 1980 and 2015, the proportion of Switzerland's urban population increased from 57% to 74%. 92% of the Swiss population aged over 65 now live in cities. Making cities more age-friendly, and sharing best practice, can help to create environments that promote autonomy for older urban residents. However, such goals are difficult to achieve.

How can Italy support its homeless women?

In 2014, 14.3% of Italy's homeless population were women. The typical woman was 45+, with more than 50% of the homeless women being of foreign nationality. The article discusses the causes for this rise in female homelessness and looks at the Italian experience in the broader context of Europe

Sustainable residential housing for senior citizens - contemporary projects

This paper conforms to themes relating to the shaping of sustainable built environment. It tackles issues connected with the implementation of sustainable solutions in residential housing for senior citizens.

Older persons in rural and remote areas

Rural and remote areas in many countries experience more pronounced population ageing than urban areas and subsequently, have a higher share of older residents.

Housing policies for the elderly: why should we care?

In aging societies, housing responses for the elderly are of increasing importance. This article analyzes the impact of the place of residence and deals with the problem of housing policies from the perspective of an elderly person. The study suggests that community dwelling elderly have significantly higher quality of life and experience less loneliness.

Ageing in Eastern Europe

Outline of presentation 1. Introduction. Definitions and key messages 2. Demographic transition 3. Family transition 4. Epidemiological transition 5. Distinctive features of population ageing in Eastern Europe 6. International Policy Frameworks on Ageing 7. National responses

Social housing management in Poland in the context of ageing society. European experience and implication for Poland

The ageing of Polish society and the implications of the process for the housing sector is a challenge for social policy, which is responsible for creating an enabling environment to meet the needs of older people.

The re-emergence of self-managed co-housing in Europe: A critical review of co-housing research

This article reviews a decade of co-housing studies and publications, to identify major themes and research gaps.

The experiments providing homes around the world

While housing is a national crisis, the most pressing concerns differ from area to area. The lack of affordable homes being built every year is a huge issue. The current crisis isn’t just about a lack of political will to invest in social housing.
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