Nicholas Pleace
Preventing Homelessness: A Review of the International Evidence
This rapid review of the international evidence was designed to look for lessons in developing effective homelessness prevention from other countries.
The review found three essentials for effective homelessness prevention.
1. Prevention must be part of an integrated homelessness strategy.
Presentations from The National Homelessness Conference, Melbourne 2018
The 2018 National Homelessness Conference, presenting the theme ‘Ending homelessness together’, delivered a wealth of evidence and information on ways to understand, reduce and alleviate homelessness. Over 800 delegates and more than 80 speakers participated across two very full days, exploring the underlying drivers of homelessness and the differing strategies on how best to overcome it.
The Action Plan for Preventing Homelessness in Finland 2016-2019: The Culmination of an Integrated Strategy to End Homelessness?
The integrated Finnish National Homelessness Strategy is often seen as the envy of the economically developed world. Challenges remain and progress is not always even, but Finland is approaching a point at which recurrent and long-term homelessness will be nearly eradicated and experience of any form of homelessness will become uncommon.
Housing First and Social Integration: A Realistic Aim?
One of the basic prerequisites for social inclusion is having adequate housing from which to live one’s life in the community. However, having a house, or home, alone does not in itself guarantee social inclusion.
This paper reviews the available research evidence on the extent to which Housing First services are effective in promoting social integration.
The Finnish Homelessness Strategy: An International Review
The review covered the whole of the programme to reduce long-term homelessness
implemented during 2008–2011 and 2012–2015, Paavo I and Paavo II. The review
focused on the programme as a whole as well as its different aspects from the point
of view of implementing the Housing First model in Finnish society.
Extent and Profile of Homelessness in European Member States – A Statistical Update
This report looks at statistics for the homeless population across Europe. While not specific to an aged population, this cohort is examined in the wider context.
The report concludes there are many dimensions of homelessness that may exist across different contexts, a potentially important one being the possibility of quite simple associations between some forms of homelessness and poverty.
Social Housing Allocation and Homelessness
This research provides an interesting insight into the different housing allocation mechanisms employed by social housing providers across the European Union.
Homelessness and Homeless Policies in Europe: Lessons from Research
This overview of research on homelessness in the EU draws largely on the work undertaken by the European Observatory on Homelessness since its formation in 1991, supplemented by secondary literature from other sources.
There is considerable evidence on homelessness in Europe but our knowledge remains very uneven with a lack of data and understanding on some aspects of homelessness.