Special Report
Neighbourhoods of the Future 2019: Growing a Brighter Future for Ourselves
Neighbourhoods of the Future 2019 captures the thoughts and predictions of a veritable `who's who' of distinguished experts and emerging thought leaders. In these pages, you will discover novel concepts for disrupting construction, finance, social and business models.
A collection of articles presenting an array of positive housing and life-enhancing options for our future.
Housing America's Older Adults
Households headed by someone 50 or over represent 55 percent of all the nation’s households.
• Over the past several years, the most significant growth in older households came from baby boomers aged 65- 74.
Meeting the Housing Needs of Older Adults in Montgomery County
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, is a community offering high-quality services and amenities to people of all ages and at all stages of life. The County scores particularly high among older adults in terms of its health services, public safety, and parks and activities. However, only 50 percent of residents 55+ said that Montgomery County was a good place to retire.
Healthy settings for older people are healthy settings for all: the experience of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy
This report shows how age-friendly environments have been created at the subnational level in Italy, using examples primarily from the Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
Re-Inventing Existing Real Estate of Social Housing for Older People: Building a New De Benring in Voorst, The Netherlands
Enabling one to age-in-place requires new housing arrangements that facilitate and enable older adults to live comfortably into old age, preferably with others.
Innovative examples are provided from a Dutch social housing association, illustrating a new approach to environmental design that focuses more on building new communities in conjunction with the building itself, as opposed to the occupat
Housing Boomers - A report on housing issues facing South Australia's older population
This report addresses housing for older people on two primary levels; housing stress and homelessness.
Adapting to the Challenges of an Ageing Population for Social Housing
One in six people in the UK are now over 65. More people are living beyond 80. The elderly living in couples or alone now make up 25% of all households.
China’s Senior Housing – Now and the Future
In this report, Deloitte analyzes China’s senior housing market - where it stands and how it will evolve.
China's ageing population has received growing attention in recent years bringing the issue of "elder care" to the forefront of policy makers, and organizations' minds.
Extent and Profile of Homelessness in European Member States – A Statistical Update
This report looks at statistics for the homeless population across Europe. While not specific to an aged population, this cohort is examined in the wider context.
The report concludes there are many dimensions of homelessness that may exist across different contexts, a potentially important one being the possibility of quite simple associations between some forms of homelessness and poverty.
Housing in later life
This UK report outlines some of the challenges and opportunities for older people’s housing with recommendations for action. One key action is to make sure that older people themselves are at the forefront of the housing debate.
As this report makes clear, there isn’t one simple solution that will suit everyone.
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