The Village Model

CCRC Lasell Village Helps Propel Age-Friendly University Movement

Lasell Village is a Boston-area continuing care retirement community (CCRC) that is on the leading edge of several senior housing trends, notably intergenerational living and university partnerships.

The "Virtual Village" Movement - Ageing's New Frontier How to stay independently in your own home but have all the benefits of a retirement village

Virtual Retirement Villages offer a great new business model for Australian not-for-profit companies and charities who may have run out of ideas and face the prospect of collapse following government aged care funding reform. At the core of these villages are concierge service referrals for members to enable them to find a whole range of services from household repairs to personal trainers and ho

The Village Movement: A Sustainable Model for Aging in Community

In the US, the Village model is gaining national attention as an affordable option for seniors who want to age-in- place. Villages are not-for-profit membership organizations offering comprehensive support and social engagement to seniors wanting to maintain independence. Villages are locally developed (often initiated within neighborhoods), self-governing, and self-supporting.

Moving Toward Age-Friendly Housing in King County

This assessment is instrumental for understanding how to meet the current – and future – housing needs of older adults in King County, US. This assessment utilized various strategies: 1) secondary data analysis of federal, state, and local data sources to assess several factors, including current housing stock, diversity of the older adult population within King County, and housing cost burden fo

Moving Towards Age Friendly Housing in King County

This report is an assessment of current and projected needs for senior housing and housing-based support services in King County, Seattle. It provides recommendations for affordable senior housing strategies.

More Seniors Age in Place Thanks to Growth of 'Villages'

For a small group of people in 1999 Boston, moving into a retirement community was not desirable, making them determined to stay in their own homes.

Sometimes It Takes A 'Village' To Help Seniors Stay In Their Homes

Chicago's Englewood Village is an organization that connects low-income older adults on the city's South Side with services from nutrition to job assistance to home repair. It was established to help older people age in place by accessing welfare services and community support.

Creating Age-Friendly Communities Through the Experiences of Villages: Summary of Longitudinal Member Outcomes

This report summarizes the results of a longitudinal survey that assessed changes over time in self reported outcomes of Village members.

Staying Power: Aging in Community and the Village Model

In the US, older adults are remaining in their homes in increasing numbers and are part of a paradigm shift that is transferring healthcare services from a centralized institutional model to a decentralized home-based model. However, a majority of homes older adults reside in lack basic accessibility features and are in predominantly suburban locations that have limited transportation options.

How Will The Villages Age With Their Members?

As grassroots organizations of older adults, The Villages are based on the idea of neighbors helping neighbors. But having been around for 15 years, the national Village movement faces a new challenge. As they move into advanced age, there will be problems with memory loss, with fragility, with hospitalizations, with the need for more support on a regular basis.
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