The NSW Ageing on the Edge Coalition brings together 150 organisations and supporters. The members of the Coalition are advocates for change, including older people with lived experience of homelessness, service providers, peak advocacy bodies and private sector organisations, working together to address housing and homelessness related issues of older people.

The Coordination Group of the NSW Ageing on the Edge Forum comprises of:

  Council of the Aged NSW logo  Housing for the Aged Action Group logo  Mercy Foundation logo  Uniting Logo    Womens Housing Company LogoShelter NSW logo

Older Womens Network NSW logo   Womens Electoral Lobby logo

Action Updates

 As part of the NSW government’s Ageing Strategy 2016-20, Jeff Fiedler gave a presentation to the Rental Options Roundtable for Older People that was attended by 50 key representatives of agencies in NSW including the Minister for Ageing Tanya Davies.



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Ageing on the Edge is a project of Housing for the Aged Action Group supported by the Wicking Trust