Housing in Denmark

The Danish housing stock has improved considerably over the past fifty years or so and, on average, Danes have good dwellings with ample space. This book looks at the evolution of various housing types and their residents in the period from the end of World War 2 to the present time, broken down by ownership type and physical design. Examining the elderly in Denmark, the vast majority remain in their ordinary home until they die. However, an increasing number of very old people move into extra care housing is increasing. In the segment of people aged 90+, about one third live in extra care housing; only in the group of people above the age of 95 do more than fifty per cent live in extra care housing or care homes. The trend in the housing types occupied by elderly people over the past few decades has been towards an increasing proportion of the elderly living in single family houses and cooperative dwellings, whereas there has been a decline in the number of elderly living in rented private-sector housing.