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Open For Inspection? Private rental stress in the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne

This research project was developed by Wesley Mission Victoria and the Tenants Union of Victoria to build a better understanding of issues related to the private rental market that are affecting families on low incomes, using the Eastern Metropolitan Region as an example. The report discusses findings across the board in terms of age, income and other areas of difficulties facing renters in the p

The Importance of Social Connectedness in Building Age-Friendly Communities

The purpose of this paper is to further elucidate the importance of social relationships and social connectedness with aging in place and in developing elder-friendly communities.

Ageing in urban environments: Developing ‘age-friendly’ cities

This article aims to provide a critical perspective on what has been termed ‘age-friendly cities’ by shifting the focus from questions such as ‘What is an ideal city for older people?’ to the question of ‘How age friendly are cities?’ This approach might be more suited to deal with the complexities of cities as sites of interlocking and conflicting commercial, social, and political interests.

The Village Movement: Redefining Aging in Place

The principles of the Village Movement are simple: Instead of leaving their homes for senior housing or assisted living, a group of residents in a given community, typically age 50 and older, form a non-profit membership organization to provide access to services that support their goal of remaining at home as long as possible.

Building Mutual Support & Social Capital in Retirement Communities

This edition of Viewpoint explores what it might mean to build ‘social capital’ in specialist housing for older people and the opportunities and obstacles to doing so. It presents and reflects on good practice examples which are seeking to do this through volunteering, peer support, social enterprise and co-production.

Women’s ‘Journeys’ to Homelessness: Key Findings from a Biographical Study of Homeless Women in Ireland

This Research Paper presents selected findings from a primarily qualitative study of homeless women in Ireland. The study set out to conduct a detailed examination of the lives and experiences of homeless women with specific attention to their homeless ‘pathways’, that is, their entry routes to homelessness, the homeless experience itself and, possibly, their exit routes from homelessness.

Understanding single older women's invisibility in housing issues in Australia

Abstract This paper examines the available literature on single older non-home owning women in Australia and their housing issues. Preliminary information suggests that this subset of the population is increasingly at risk of becoming homeless or inadequately housed in later life. In fact, there is a historical dearth of research on women’s housing in general.

Supported housing for older people in the UK: An evidence review

This UK-wide review examines the quality of life that sheltered and retirement housing offers older tenants and owner-occupiers, especially those with high support needs.

Preparing the Future: Affordable Housing and the Challenge of an Ageing Population in Europe - Success Stories

The European Year (2012) is raising public awareness about the contribution older people make to society. The aim of this initiative is to encourage political decision-makers and stakeholders at all levels to work for better framework conditions for active ageing and to reinforce intergenerational solidarity. The real challenge is to involve the growing number of older people in these objectives.

Housing-related Well-being in Older People: The Impact of Environmental and Financial Influences

This paper uses a new database from Spain to empirically examine the influence of environmental determinants of housing-related wellbeing (housing satisfaction) among older people, alongside investment explanations, namely homeownership and housing wealth.
