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Loneliness and the exchange of social support among older adults in Spain and the Netherlands

Previous research has shown that exchanges of support within social networks reduce the loneliness of older adults.

Demographic Challenges and Opportunities for U.S. Housing Markets

With the aging of the Baby Boomers, America’s population of seniors is growing and diversifying fast. Fewer seniors are disabled and more of them are financially independent, but the sheer size of the Baby Boom generation means that a large increase in the absolute number of seniors facing housing affordability and independent living challenges is inevitable.

The social worlds of older public and private renters in Sydney

This paper explores the social worlds of older private and public renters in Sydney, Australia. Drawing on 56 in - depth interviews, it argues that the cost of accommodation and security of tenure played a pivotal role in shaping the social connections and leisure activity of the interviewees.

Getting in front of homelessness: housing single older women now

Single older women in Australia have emerged as a growing population group vulnerable to housing insecurity and at risk of homelessness in their old age. Their vulnerability arises from the gendered nature of labour and child rearing in Australia which compromises women's lifetime capacity to earn, acquire and retain housing equity.

Assessing the Village Model and the Village To Village Network in Advocating Aging in Place for Older Americans

Aging in place allows seniors to remain in their choice of residence for as long as possible, using local services and conveniences to live safely and independently. The Village Model is a component of this movement, recognized as a community-based and peer-support network, which allows older people to age in their homes and remain active in their community.

Making Do: Housing Quality and Affordability in the Low to Moderate Income Specific Housing Sector

Better cities require integrated planning and monitoring across the board that is inclusive of age-specific housing. Australia’s ageing population presents a number of challenges for provision of appropriate and affordable housing and care for those on low to moderate incomes.

Lifetime Neighbourhoods: Practice Examples

This summary describes the key elements that make up a lifetime neighbourhood, and sets out how individual residents, communities, local government, practitioners, councillors, the voluntary sector and the private sector can become involved and contribute to the development of lifetime neighbourhoods. It also includes a checklist which sets out a range of issues that residents might want to consi

Breaking the Mould: Re-visioning older people’s housing

This UK report describes a number of the business opportunities that an ageing population brings.

Ending Homelessness among Older Adults and Elders through Permanent Supportive Housing

Ending Homelessness among Older Adults and Elders through Permanent Supportive Housing Policy Paper Prepared for The National Convening on Ending Elder Homelessness

Partnerships Among Community Development, Public Health, And Health Care Could Improve The Well-Being Of Low-Income People

Community development is an enterprise that helps low-income people and communities by giving them access to financing and other tools to build affordable housing, start businesses, and build community facilities such as charter schools, health clinics, and child care centers. In short, community development helps make struggling communities more vibrant economically and stronger socially.
