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Age, home and community: a strategy for housing for Scotland's older people 2012-2021

The Scottish Government has a longstanding policy of 'shifting the balance of care', supporting people to remain at home independently for as long as possible, rather than in care homes or hospitals.

Housing Loneliness and Health

This Essay asks whether housing, loneliness and health are connected in contemporary Australia, and if they are, is it a nexus that can be addressed positively through housing policy.

Then and now: evolving community in the context of a retirement village

There is currently much debate in the United Kingdom policy and practice literature about how best to respond to the care and accommodation needs of people as they retire and grow older.

Breaking the Mould: Re-visioning older people’s housing

This UK report describes a number of the business opportunities that an ageing population brings.

Ending Homelessness among Older Adults and Elders through Permanent Supportive Housing

Ending Homelessness among Older Adults and Elders through Permanent Supportive Housing Policy Paper Prepared for The National Convening on Ending Elder Homelessness

Partnerships Among Community Development, Public Health, And Health Care Could Improve The Well-Being Of Low-Income People

Community development is an enterprise that helps low-income people and communities by giving them access to financing and other tools to build affordable housing, start businesses, and build community facilities such as charter schools, health clinics, and child care centers. In short, community development helps make struggling communities more vibrant economically and stronger socially.

All Party Parliamentary Group on housing and care for Older People - Living Well At Home Inquiry

Amidst the national interest in the growing need for care and support for the UK's ageing population, this report highlights the importance of the home in the current debate.

Improving housing with care choices for older people: an evaluation of extra care housing

Over the last decade, extra care housing has emerged as a welcome alternative to residential care and the various forms of sheltered housing previously available.

National Survey of Providers of Independent Living Units (ILUs) for people with relatively low incomes and low assets

According to the National Housing Supply Council, the demand from older-person households for private rental housing and social housing is estimated to grow 120% between 2008 and 2028 (from 146,200 to 321,400 for private rental housing and from 86,500 to 189,800 for social housing).A significant proportion of these households are living in housing that is not affordable.

Aging, Living Arrangements, and Housing in China

Grounded in a literature review, current living arrangements and housing conditions of the elderly in China are investigated with new empirical evidence. Survey data of September 2009 included a total of 692 Chinese households with a focus on elderly members.
