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3 Innovative Senior Housing Projects That Hold Lessons For Nonprofits

Nonprofit senior living providers have historically driven innovation in the field of aged care in the US.

The APPROPRIATE (Accommodation Provision for People of Retirement Age or Older, Predicated on Research and Investigation using Approved Techniques and Evidence) and RIGHTSIZING Study

This report presents the findings of a study for the Gwent Health, Social Care and Housing Partnership which researches the aspirations for appropriate housing solutions for older people in Gwent, which would enable them to live happily, healthily, safely and independently in later life. The report also describes the reasons why older people do not want to move to appropriate housing in later lif

Housing design, adaptations and support (England)

New and existing homes in the UK need to be adaptable to the changing needs of an ageing population to promote both independence and self-determination. Poor and inaccessible housing has profound implications for our ageing population. There were 13.3 million disabled people in the UK in 2015/16, with 44 per cent over state pension age.

The "Virtual Village" Movement - Ageing's New Frontier How to stay independently in your own home but have all the benefits of a retirement village

Virtual Retirement Villages offer a great new business model for Australian not-for-profit companies and charities who may have run out of ideas and face the prospect of collapse following government aged care funding reform. At the core of these villages are concierge service referrals for members to enable them to find a whole range of services from household repairs to personal trainers and ho

High rents putting older people at risk of homelessness, charity says

In Ireland, older people are increasingly at risk of homelessness due to the cost of rent increasing but State pension remaining the same. Alone, a charity supporting older people, said one of the most frequent issues the organisation sees is older people living in private rented accommodation finding it increasingly difficult to pay rent as rates rise.

Fall in ageing Australians’ home-ownership rates looms as seismic shock for housing policy

Outright home ownership has long been regarded as a supporting pillar of Australian retirement incomes policies. Increasingly, concerns that rising mortgage debt and falling home ownership rates in later life are undermining the role of home ownership in supporting retirees’ financial wellbeing.

Planning for an ageing population: is co-housing the solution?

Between 2016 and 2030, the population of over 60s in the UK is estimated to rise from 15 million to 20 million. Older population growth leads to household growth, and inevitably the housing needs of the UK will change alongside this shifting demographic. This paper explores this issue within the context of South West England.

Housing Options for Our Ageing Population

The changing demographics and the implications for future health care costs underpin the importance of developing a wider choice of appropriate housing options for older people suited to their needs. The aim of this policy statement is to encourage and facilitate timely planning by older people, and to rebalance the care model away from inappropriate residential and/or acute care, to supporting o

Reducing the Risk of Older Women’s Homelessness

Citing Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself (sic) and of his (sic) family, including ... housing) this presentation looks at risk factors associated with homelessness for ageing women in Australia. (National Housing Conference 2019, Darwin)

Adapting homes for ageing well in London

In London there are just over 1 million people aged over 65 and that number is expected to grow to 1.2 million by 2024 – an increase of 22% in 10 years. There are 140,000 people aged over 85 in London, and that is expected to increase to 180,000 over 85 by 2024, a 38% increase in 10 years.
