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Age-Forward Cities for 2030

A massive shift is taking place in the makeup of the world population, and societies are already struggling to cope. By 2030, more people worldwide will be over the age of 60 than under 10. Cities are ground zero for the demographic shift—eight in 10 US residents 65 and older already live in metropolitan areas.

'One rent increase from disaster’ Older renters living on the edge in Western Australia

Recent trends in Australia indicate homelessness and the risk of homelessness is increasing for low income older households. The Ageing on the Edge Project is a five year initiative (2016–2020) that aims to gather evidence and conduct research that supports a compelling need for better housing and support services for older people. This is the third report produced as part of this project.

Housing Options for Our Ageing Population – Policy Statement

This article discusses the Irish Government's 2019 Joint Policy Statement “Housing Options for our Ageing Population". The Statement reaffirms the strong Government commitment to policies that support older people to live in their own homes and communities with dignity and independence for as long as possible. The Statement plans to make an invaluable contribution in helping to meet th

Service provision for older homeless people with memory problems: a mixed-methods study

Objectives and study design: This 24-month UK study was designed to (1) determine the prevalence of memory problems among hostel-dwelling homeless older people and the extent to which staff are aware of these problems; (2) identify help and support received, current care and support pathways; (3) explore quality of life among older homeless people with memory problems; (4) investigate service

Lessons from overseas: the future impact of retiree renters

Aged care providers and governments need to plan now for the impact of lifelong renters on the financial models driving the industry. Downsizing from a family home to a smaller dwelling then into a retirement village and later to aged care if required, is a familiar path. However, baby boomers’ high expectations for life after retirement are shaping fresh approaches within the sector.

What Are the Structural Barriers to Planning for Later Life? A Scoping Review of the Literature

This review draws on Street and Desai (2011) to characterise planning as the range of activities people deliberately pursue with the aim of achieving desired outcomes in later life.

Growing and ageing population ‘highlights urgent need for housing investment’

New statistics showing Scotland’s population is to continue to increase and age is further evidence of the desperate need for more financial support for the housing sector. Research shows that thousands of older people are stuck in unsuitable homes and are unable to downsize or adapt them to fit their needs.

A Home for the Ages: Planning for the Future with Age-Friendly Designs

England has a rapidly ageing society. Within five years the over 60s will make-up over 25% of its population, and this is a trend that is set to accelerate. Despite this, little thought has been given to how the housing need of the population is going to change. This report focuses on those over the age of 55, as it is often the age at which residents qualify to enter retirement housing.

Environmental Co-housing: A Way to Shovel Ageing, Environmental and Socioeconomic Issues

Lifestyle, technological and scientific advances have evolved providing a greater life expectancy. According to the World Health Organization, the number of people aged 65 or older is projected to grow from an estimated 524 million in 2010 to nearly 1.5 billion in 2050, with most of the increase in developing countries.

Why Do(n’t) People Move When They Get Older? Estimating the Willingness to Relocate in Diverse Ageing Cities

Two of the dominant processes shaping today’s European cities are the ageing and diversification of the population. Given that the range of action usually decreases in later life, the living environment around the place of residence plays an important role in the social integration of the older generation.
