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Older People and Aged Care in Rural, Regional and Remote Australia

This Discussion Paper will increase the understanding of issues facing care services for older people in rural, regional and remote Australia and propose some options for ensuring that services are available locally and have a viable future. The authors believe that new models of services and support for rural and remote areas must be developed and supported.

The Future of Aged Persons Housing: What role for Independent Living Units?

There is an emerging crisis within housing for older persons in Australia. This paper focuses particularly on the role of independent living units in the future of aged housing.

Coming of age: Opportunities for older homeless people under Supporting People

This report examines the challenges and proposes cost-effective solutions for 'Supporting People' commissioners, their partner agencies and providers to meet the challenge of older homelessness. The report considers: 1. the extent of the problem of homelessness among the elderly creative solutions 2.

Independent Living Units: The Forgotten Social Housing Sector

Public and community housing are well documented as housing options for older people with relatively low value assets and low incomes. However, other not-for-profit (NFP) organisations also provide housing for this group.

Homeless Older Adults Research Project Executive Summary

Despite the increased focus on the homeless population in Canada, there is little empirical knowledge about the characteristics, circumstances, and service needs of older homeless adults. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of older adults who are homeless or at risk for homelessness in the City of Toronto.

On the Margins? Housing risk among caravan park residents

This paper is a preliminary review of a study being undertaken by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute: University of Western Sydney Research Centre and University of New South Wales, on the nature and prevalence of permanent residency in caravan parks in Australia and the risk of homelessness.

Women, Housing and Transitions Out of Homelessness

This is the second of two main reports for the project “Women, housing and transitions out of homelessness”. The earlier Stage 2 Report (Jerome et al, 2002) was based on an extensive, systematic review of the national and international literature on homelessness and specifically women’s homelessness.

Women and Homelessness: Innovative Practice and Exit Pathways

The face of women now appears as a significant feature of the ‘new homelessness’. While the ideology of the traditional nuclear family model persists in spite of changing demographic trends, it is argued that homelessness is defined in terms of men’s experiences and practices or men’s subjectivities hides women’s homelessness.

Women and Homelessness: Innovative Practice and Exit Pathways

This paper reports on recently completed research on women’s transitions out of homelessness and the role of housing and associated support services in offering ‘independence’. It will provide an overview of the research and the outcomes in the final report. The research sought to answer the following questions: a. What kinds of housing and support services do homeless women utilize? b.

Coping With Change: Comparing The Retirement Housing Decisions Of Older People.

As they age, older people are likely to spend significantly more time in their homes. Therefore the immediate surroundings and proximate environments play a vital role in how the older person adapts and copes with changes that occur with advancing age.
