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No place like home: The impact of declining home ownership on retirement

Australia’s retirement income system has long implicitly taken it for granted that the vast majority of retired people will have very low housing costs – in turn reflecting a presumption that most of them will own their own homes, and will have fully paid down any mortgage debt taken on in order to finance the original acquisition of their homes; and that those who have been unable to become home-

The relationship of the elderly toward their home and living environment

People’s relationship toward housing and their living environment changes over the course of their lives, especially in old age, where housing becomes more important.

Housing affordability crisis is bad for Gen Y but worse for Baby Boomers

Australia has the second-highest rate of poverty among those on pensions in all OECD nations. Our retirement system basically takes the inequality that exists in our society at the moment and then magnifies it in retirement.

Older Women's Homelessness: designing smaller homes to meet rising demands

Older Women’s Homelessness: A Growing Crisis • 1 in 7 people experiencing homelessness are over 55 years old • Only 1.62 percent of properties across Australia are affordable for single people on the age pension • 14 percent of people aged 65-84, and 11 percent of people aged over 85, are now renting on the private market • Home ownership rates dropped to 42% by 2014 and are expected to continue t

Older Single Women at Risk of Homelessness in WA

A background paper on the intersection of ageing, gender and homelessness in Western Australia.

Single women face a frightening future of homelessness in Australia

Only about 6 per cent of homeless people in Australia are sleeping rough; the rest are in temporary accommodation, sleeping in their cars or couchsurfing. And one of the most shocking trends from the data is the increase in homelessness among older women.

Revolutionary day care for Alzheimer’s sufferers: Dementia villages

Glenner Town Square, a faux mini-town with a 1950s and 1960s look designed for people with dementia, is set to open in San Diego next spring. It is a reimagined, new kind of day care: a faux mini-town with a 1950s and 1960s look designed for people with dementia. The concept is based on reminiscence therapy.

Ageing well in the right place: partnership working with older people

The provision of home and community supports can enable people to successfully age-in-place by improving physical and mental health, supporting social participation and enhancing independence, autonomy and choice. One challenge concerns the integration of place-based supports available as older people transition into affordable housing.

How the Dutch Lead the Way in Senior Housing Innovation

Out of the box thinking is what it will take to truly house and nurture various special populations. When looking at real estate development strategies, housing companies should be thinking about how design might help foster a better living environment.

Older Women and Homelessness: Lived Experiences of Accessing Social and Health Services

The purpose of this thesis was to explore the experiences of accessing health and social services for older women who have lived experience with homelessness. Women over the age of 50 with lived experience of homelessness participated in face to face interviews where they were asked to share their experiences with accessing services in the northern British Columbia (BC) community of Prince George
