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2017 Rental Affordability Snapshot

This eighth annual Rental Affordability Snapshot by Anglicare Australia comes at a time where there seems to be, finally, a universal agreement that there is a housing affordability crisis. As is shown by the consistency of our findings over the last eight years, this discussion is only just catching up to what many Australians have experienced for a much longer time.

Housing requirements for a ageing society

Various countries in the world have been experiencing a rapid ageing in population.

AAA Housing for Older Australians- making it affordable, accessible, appropriate

COTA Australia 2017 National Policy Forum. The key understanding that underpinned the entire day’s discussions is that secure housing is fundamental to wellbeing.

Housing affordability in retirement: current and future issues

This presentation looks at ways in which the issue of housing affordability in retirement can be addressed in Australia.

Health and welfare profile of Australian baby boomers who live in rented accommodation – implications for the future

Baby boomers who rent are often overlooked as an important sub-group. this research assessed the chronic conditions, risk factors, socio-economic factors and other health-related factors associated with renting in private or public housing.

The Australian dream: Housing Experiences of Older Australians

With a significant and growing proportion of Australians aged over 65, the so-called “Australian Dream” is facing stark realities. In The Australian Dream: Housing Experiences of Older Australians, Professor Alan Morris goes directly to the coal-face, drawing on 125 in-depth interviews and comparing real world experience with the trends and needs of an ageing Australia. Those older Australians r

Sustainable Design for the Elderly: Senior Housing Design Guidelines

There is a huge demand for elderly housing in the US. Buildings for senior living must be of a particular type. To meet the theory of sustainable design, it is necessary to evaluate the suitability of buildings for senior living. This research presents three case studies on well-designed senior housing, including a nursing home, a complex nursing community and a senior apartment.

Housing affordability is not just about youth. 15,000 seniors are homeless

As hard as it is for young people to get a foot on the property ladder, it’s even harder for pensioners and low to middle income renters to get a foot in the door ... any door. Private rental accommodation is now more unaffordable than owner-occupied. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, people who rent spend more of their income on housing than people with a mortgage.

Ideas for Change 2017: Extra Care Housing in Lincolnshire

With current housing models struggling to meet the needs of a changing population now and for the future, students of the School of Architecture and Design, School of Health and Social Care and School of Business, University of Lincoln were challenged with understanding those needs and translating them into innovative design ideas for Extra Care Housing in Lincolnshire. This document is a develop

Three charts on: poorer Australians bearing the brunt of rising housing cost

Rising housing costs are hurting low-income Australians the most. Those at the bottom end of the income spectrum are much less likely to own their own home than in the past, are often spending more of their income on rent, and are more likely to be living a long way from where most jobs are being created.
